Also see the 2014, 2013 , and 2008 MBW summaries
following the summary of the 2017 MBWeekend
March 25 - 26, 2017
Great-tailed Grackle, Worthington, Nobles County (Jena Highkin photo)
Well, our first MBW of the 2014-15 season finally managed to take place, although there were times I had my doubts if it ever would! The prolonged winter first prompted a one-week delay, a snowstorm then nearly canceled the later weekend, and there were associated adjustments in the participants list, the car-pooling arrangements, and when we would be able to finally meet in Worthington on Saturday. But I think those of us who were eventually able to attend this past weekend saw more than enough to make all that tinkering with the logistics worth the trouble.
I agree that Saturday was colder and windier than we would have preferred, but on Sunday it warmed up some and the winds moderated. In all, we came up with a respectable total of 80 species: 75 in Nobles Co (73 of these on Saturday) and 64 in Jackson Co Sunday morning. Of course, that first-county-record grackle was probably our most significant find, as the singing male at L Okabena on Saturday morning was relocated and briefly joined by a female a few blocks away that afternoon. And, in a different way, it was equally exciting to witness that nice movement of eagles and other raptors passing over Heron Lake late Sunday morning – this actually provided a visible sensation that spring migration was finally underway.
Despite the lousy March weather, the goose migration had already passed through SW Minnesota for the most part, although we still managed to observe all 5 species in low numbers. But at least one Ross's Goose did fly over the Perkins parking lot as we assembled on Sunday morning, and a bit later we drove by a few hundred Greater White-fronteds along I-90 en route to Lakefield. Despite the relative lack of geese, there was also a good variety of ducks (18 species in all) found at several wetlands where the ice was on its way out. In addition, we came up with some relatively early migrants: a heard-only Greater Yellowlegs, a group of Baird's Sandpipers, a couple of fly-by Franklin's Gulls, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Tree Swallow, American Pipit, and a few Yellow-headed Blackbirds.
N = found in Nobles Co (all but 2 species on April 5)
J = found in Jackson Co (all on April 6)
Greater White-fronted Goose NJ (largest flock along I-90 en route to Lakefield)
Snow Goose N (only modest numbers)
Ross's Goose N (one overhead at Perkins with Snow Geese Sunday morning)
Cackling Goose NJ (just a few)
Canada Goose NJ
Trumpeter Swan N (pond just S of Worthington)
Wood Duck NJ
Gadwall NJ
American Wigeon NJ
Mallard NJ
Blue-winged Teal NJ
Northern Shoveler NJ
Northern Pintail NJ
Green-winged Teal NJ
Canvasback N
Redhead N
Ring-necked Duck NJ
Lesser Scaup NJ
Bufflehead NJ
Common Goldeneye NJ
Hooded Merganser NJ
Common Merganser NJ
Red-breasted Merganser N (uncommon in SW Minn)
Ruddy Duck N
Ring-necked Pheasant NJ
Pied-billed Grebe N
Double-crested Cormorant NJ
American White Pelican NJ
Great Blue Heron NJ
Turkey Vulture NJ
Bald Eagle NJ (nice migration over Heron Lake on Sunday)
Northern Harrier NJ
Sharp-shinned Hawk NJ
Cooper's Hawk NJ
Red-tailed Hawk NJ (incl dark-morphs, and a "Harlan's" along the Rough-legged
Rough-legged Hawk N (lone dark-morph bird)
American Coot NJ
Killdeer NJ
Greater Yellowlegs N (heard-only at Indian L)
Baird's Sandpiper J (small flock at the S end of South Heron L)
Franklin's Gull N (fly-over at Perkins Sunday morning), J (distant fly-by seen by Herb
at North Heron L)
Ring-billed Gull NJ
Herring Gull NJ (uncommon in SW Minn)
Rock Pigeon NJ
Eurasian Collared-Dove NJ (several sites)
Mourning Dove NJ
Great Horned Owl N (heard-only at L Bella), J (Sparks Park)
Belted Kingfisher J
Red-bellied Woodpecker J (heard-only)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker N (Indian L)
Downy Woodpecker NJ
Hairy Woodpecker NJ
Northern Flicker NJ
American Kestrel NJ
Blue Jay NJ
American Crow NJ
Horned Lark NJ
Tree Swallow J (spotted by Herb at South Heron L)
Black-capped Chickadee NJ
White-breasted Nuthatch NJ
Golden-crowned Kinglet N (heard-only in Worthington by Linda)
American Robin NJ
European Starling NJ
American Pipit N (cowering out of the wind at L Bella)
Cedar Waxwing NJ
Lapland Longspur NJ (fly-overs briefly seen/heard by some)
American Tree Sparrow NJ
Fox Sparrow N (heard-only by a few in Worthington)
Song Sparrow NJ
Dark-eyed Junco NJ
Northern Cardinal J
Red-winged Blackbird NJ
Western Meadowlark NJ
Yellow-headed Blackbird N (along the Rough-legged road)
Rusty Blackbird NJ
Common Grackle NJ
Great-tailed Grackle N (incl a female briefly seen with the male)
Brown-headed Cowbird NJ
House Finch NJ
House Sparrow NJ
* * *
You certainly can't blame those who accepted the option to stay home, given that spring migration was so reluctant to get underway. Still, the six of you who decided to come along for this abbreviated one-day MBW at least had lots of waterfowl to look at, along with one unusual land bird, for a total of 51 species. Yes, I admit it was cold that day as it never made it out of the 20s, but at least the winds were light to moderate, and the absence of snow on the ground gave us some hope that spring was an imminent possibility.
Though virtually everything else was still frozen, the aerators on Okabena, Round, and Little Spirit lakes provided enough open water for water birds. The best showing was at Lake Okebena where we had an estimated concentration of at least 5,500 geese. It was certainly impressive that perhaps 3,500 or more of these were Cacklings and at least 1,500 were Greater White-fronteds – I'm pretty sure that I had never seen so many of these two species at any one spot in Minnesota. The curious thing was that so few Canadas were present (maybe a couple hundred) and that not a single Snow/Ross's Goose was present!
In all, 22 of our 24 species of water birds were at Okabena (including locally rare/uncommon Greater Scaup and Herring Gull). We eventually found 8 distant/unidentified white geese at Round Lake (which could have been Ross's), and our Gr White-fronted Goose total was augmented by an additional 850 individuals at Little Spirit Lake.
Admittedly, though, the land birding was pretty slow as hardly any northbound passerines were around. But at least a small flock of longspurs gave us a good look near Round Lake, and that well-marked (i.e., relatively unmarked) Hoary Redpoll near Indian Lake was obviously farther south than it should have been.
Thanks to all six of you for braving the elements and participating in this interesting and successful day. And special thanks to Brian for his pre-MBW scouting report and for making sure I didn't get lost during the day! Kim
N = seen in Nobles Co.
J = seen in Jackson Co.
Greater White-fronted Goose NJ
Snow/Ross's Goose J
Cackling Goose NJ
Canada Goose NJ
Trumpeter Swan NJ
Wood Duck N
Gadwall NJ
Mallard NJ
Northern Shoveler NJ
Northern Pintail N
Green-winged Teal N
Canvasback NJ
Redhead NJ
Ring-necked Duck NJ
Greater Scaup N
Lesser Scaup NJ
Common Goldeneye NJ
Hooded Merganser N
Common Merganser NJ
Ruddy Duck N
Ring-necked Pheasant N
Bald Eagle NJ
Northern Harrier N
Red-tailed Hawk NJ
American Kestrel NJ
American Coot N
Ring-billed Gull NJ
Herring Gull N
Rock Pigeon N
Eurasian Collared-Dove N
Mourning Dove N
Great Horned Owl N
Red-bellied Woodpecker N
Downy Woodpecker N
Blue Jay N
American Crow NJ
Horned Lark NJ
Black-capped Chickadee N
White-breasted Nuthatch N
American Robin N
European Starling N
Cedar Waxwing N
Lapland Longspur J
American Tree Sparrow N
Dark-eyed Junco N
Northern Cardinal N
Red-winged Blackbird N
House Finch N
Common Redpoll N
Hoary Redpoll N
House Sparrow N
* * *
Some of you may have seen Craig Mandel's posting about his MRVAC trip to Lac Qui Parle Co, in which he so blatantly tried to show us up with his waterfowl numbers. (Grounds for immediate dismissal, of course!)
Never mind: it was still the greatest waterfowl show I can ever remember seeing in Minnesota. Especially memorable was standing along Hwy 86 just south of I-90 on Sunday morning and watching flock after flock of geese steadily flying north under a blue sky. Even the wind was comfortably light to moderate at the time, unlike the strong, cold winds of the day before. Obviously, the conditions were favorable for so many birds to be concentrated: hardly any open water on the lakes, both where we were and farther north, left all those geese with no where else to go. My only regret was being unable to count them all; I'm sure the number of Greater White-fronted Geese especially would have set some sort of Minnesota record.
My thanks to all of you for being part of one of the best MBWs ever; and that's saying a lot, considering there have been no fewer than 268 of them as we start our 23rd season.
Bird List (total 82 species)
• N = seen in Nobles Co (76 species; mostly on March 29)
• J = seen in Jackson Co (58 species; all on March 30)
Greater White-fronted Goose NJ (tens of thousands?!)
Snow Goose NJ (tens of thousands?!)
Ross’s Goose NJ (dozens, mostly in flight)
Cackling Goose NJ (tens of thousands?!)
Canada Goose NJ (a.k.a. Honkers)
Trumpeter Swan N (pair from Iowa in that White Starling's yard; thanks for the tip,
Wood Duck NJ
Gadwall NJ
American Wigeon N
Mallard NJ
Blue-winged Teal N (just a few early arrivals)
Northern Shoveler NJ
Northern Pintail NJ
Green-winged Teal NJ
Canvasback NJ
Redhead NJ
Ring-necked Duck NJ
Greater Scaup N (at least one female at L Okabena!)
Lesser Scaup NJ
Bufflehead NJ
Common Goldeneye NJ
Hooded Merganser NJ
Common Merganser NJ
Red-breasted Merganser NJ (uncommon migrant in SW Minn)
Ruddy Duck NJ
Gray Partridge N (pair seen twice by part of the group near Round Lake)
Ring-necked Pheasant NJ
Pied-billed Grebe NJ
Great Blue Heron J (spotted by Diane at a distant rookery)
Turkey Vulture NJ (a few early arrivals)
Bald Eagle N (only one fly-by at L Okabena)
Northern Harrier NJ
Sharp-shinned Hawk J
Cooper’s Hawk N (in courtship flight at L Okabena!)
Red-tailed Hawk NJ
American Kestrel NJ
American Coot NJ
Killdeer NJ
Greater Yellowlegs N (foolish early migrant at L Okabena)
Franklin’s Gull N (a few early migrants at L Okabena)
Ring-billed Gull NJ
Herring Gull N (a few adults at L Okabena)
Rock Pigeon NJ
Mourning Dove NJ
Great Horned Owl NJ
Red-bellied Woodpecker NJ (Hawkeye Co Park: another tip from Brian; also in
Downy Woodpecker NJ
Hairy Woodpecker N
Northern Flicker J (only one)
Eastern Phoebe N (another foolish migrant at L Okabena)
Northern Shrike N (near L Ocheda; also an unidentified fly-by shrike at Hawkeye Co
Blue Jay N
American Crow NJ
Horned Lark NJ
Black-capped Chickadee NJ
Red-breasted Nuthatch N (unexpected at a Worthington feeder and in Lake Bella Co Park)
White-breasted Nuthatch NJ
Brown Creeper NJ
Golden-crowned Kinglet N (Hawkeye Co Park)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet NJ
Eastern Bluebird N
American Robin NJ
European Starling NJ
Cedar Waxwing N (Hawkeye Co Park fly-bys)
American Tree Sparrow NJ
Fox Sparrow NJ (lots of these)
Song Sparrow NJ (just a few early migrants)
Lincoln’s Sparrow N (early at Lake Bella Co Park)
Swamp Sparrow N (ditto)
Dark-eyed Junco NJ
Lapland Longspur N (fly-by flock near Round Lake)
Northern Cardinal J
Red-winged Blackbird NJ
Western Meadowlark N (just a few early migrants)
Rusty Blackbird NJ (several seen and heard at many locations!)
Common Grackle NJ
Great-tailed Grackle J (two uncooperative birds along Hwy 86)
Brown-headed Cowbird J
Purple Finch N (Lake Bella Co Park)
House Finch NJ
American Goldfinch N
House Sparrow NJ
Ross's Geese ~ Brewster sewage ponds ~ Brian Smith photo
Yes, of course we were miserable during Saturday's dampness, northeast winds, and temperatures that never emerged out of the 30s. And Sunday wasn't much better during the intermittent rain, although the winds did ease up a lot. Still, you have to remember this is March – it never snowed on us, the prairie winds are often stronger, it stayed above freezing all weekend, and none of the wetlands were frozen.
Though almost all the geese had passed through weeks ago during February's warm spell, this first MBW of the 2017-18 season still came up with a nice selection of ducks and other water birds. Virtually all the expected duck species were present in good numbers (but where were the pintails?), and the Common Loon, Herring Gulls, and Horned Grebe at Lake Okabena were all nice finds for this part of the state. There were also fair numbers of Gr. White-fronted Geese lingering at a few spots, but our most interesting waterfowl stop came at the Brewster sewage ponds where a group of no fewer than 55 Ross's Geese were present, even though there were only 15 or 20 late-migrating Snow Geese with them. Normally a flock of white geese consists of maybe only 1-10% Ross's, but here about 75% of the flock were Ross's!
Our land-based birding efforts in the fields, thickets, and woodlands were mostly lackluster: hardly any raptors passed through in the low overcast, and sparrows (except for modest numbers of juncos) were almost non-existent. There were plenty of grackles and other blackbirds around, including several Rustys and a couple of uncooperative Brewer's, but Jackson County's Great-tailed Grackle population wasn't in evidence. Our best finds away from the wetlands were a few Franklin's Gulls foraging over some fields, an apparently new Great Blue Heron rookery in a wooded WMA, some grounded Lapland Longspurs viewed in the spotting scopes, and an early but elusive Fox Sparrow. But certainly our best find was the pair of E. Screech-Owls by their nesting (or roosting) cavity in Worthington. Three of us found the cavity and the copulating pair on Saturday evening, and the presumed female was visible for the entire group the next morning as she continually called from the cavity entrance.
BIRD LIST (68 species total)
N = Nobles Co (mostly March 25)
J = Jackson Co (mostly March 26)
Greater White-fronted Goose NJ
Snow Goose NJ
Ross's Goose NJ
Canada Goose NJ
Trumpeter Swan J
Wood Duck NJ
Gadwall NJ
American Wigeon NJ
Mallard NJ
Blue-winged Teal NJ
Northern Shoveler NJ
Green-winged Teal NJ
Canvasback NJ
Redhead NJ
Ring-necked Duck NJ
Lesser Scaup NJ
Bufflehead NJ
Common Goldeneye N
Hooded Merganser NJ
Common Merganser NJ
Red-breasted Merganser NJ
Ruddy Duck NJ
Ring-necked Pheasant J
Pied-billed Grebe NJ
Horned Grebe N
Rock Pigeon NJ
Eurasian Collared-Dove NJ
Mourning Dove NJ
American Coot N
Killdeer NJ
Franklin's Gull NJ
Ring-billed Gull NJ
Herring Gull N
Common Loon N
Double-crested Cormorant NJ
American White Pelican J
Great Blue Heron J
Bald Eagle NJ
Northern Harrier N
Red-tailed Hawk NJ
Eastern Screech-Owl N
Belted Kingfisher N
Red-bellied Woodpecker J
Downy Woodpecker NJ
Hairy Woodpecker N
American Kestrel NJ
Blue Jay N
American Crow NJ
Horned Lark NJ
Black-capped Chickadee NJ
White-breasted Nuthatch NJ
Brown Creeper NJ
American Robin NJ
European Starling NJ
House Sparrow NJ
American Goldfinch
Lapland Longspur N
American Tree Sparrow NJ
Fox Sparrow N
Song Sparrow J
Dark-eyed Junco NJ
Northern Cardinal J
Red-winged Blackbird NJ
Western Meadowlark NJ
Rusty Blackbird NJ
Brewer's Blackbird N
Common Grackle NJ
Brown-headed Cowbird N
* * *

Eastern Screech-Owl ~ Chautaqua Park, Worthington ~ Tom Malone photo