A Birder's Guide to Minnesota
~ Fifth Edition ~
• This new edition has been expanded to 464 pages and still includes bird-finding information for all 87 counties (1,400+ locations in all). Also, a 55-page annotated list with all the species found in Minnesota (the list is now up to 452 species through July 2024) includes their status and distribution in the state, plus numerous tips on identification.
• New features added to this edition include birding contacts for each county, QR-code links to online maps and to regular updates with corrections & additions, and nearly 200 photos.
• Note that the First Printing essentially sold out (after only
four months!), but a Second Printing was completed and became available in May 2023 – it includes several minor text revisions, a new cover, and non-spiral binding.
One access to this area is via St. Olaf Dr. (the main campus entrance from MN 19): follow it to the first left at Campus Dr., and take this to its end at the trailhead with a kiosk and map. From there, to reach the best woodlands in the Natural Lands: backtrack to MN 19, and just west of St. Olaf Dr. is a parking area on the north side of 19 at the trail crossing, then cross MN 19 and hike south.
Dakota County
p. 277 – In September 2023, the side road off Pine Bend Trail [site 4] leading to Bud's Landing was signed as Fischer Ave. and was not gated. Follow this road to the fork and bear left to the unsigned boat landing which provides a wide view of the Spring Lake backwaters.
p. 277 – Between Pine Bluffs SNA [site 7] and Rock Island Swing Bridge [site 8] is River Front Park on River St. Turn east from Concord Blvd. opposite 78th St. on Dickman Tr., and bear right on 77th St. to the park and a view of the Mississippi. There are extensive riparian woodlands as well along the 2-mile length of River St., from its south end (3/4 mi. south of the park) to its north end on 66th St. (where you're just west of the swing bridge).
p. 279-280 – To reach Whitetail Woods Regional Park [site 21] from US 52 via 170th St., note that 170th may be gated (along with some other roads south of CR 46 in the University of Minn. research area). If so, take CR 46 west for 4.2 mi. to Biscayne Ave., then south to 170th, and back east to Station Tr. and the park. Note that there is another access to Vernillion Highlands WMA [also site 21] on Clayton Ave.: turn south off CR 46 on Clayton just west of US 52, and go 2.2 mi.
p. 280 – Correction: to reach 155th St. (the road with birding potential similar to Whitetail Woods /
Vermillion Highlands), take Blaine Ave. north off CR 46, 1.3 mi. west of US 52 (not 2.2 mi. west).
p. 280 – Amended directions to 180th Street Marsh [site 23]: from the town of Vermillion, go 0.6 mi. east to Goodwin Ave., 1 mi. north to 180th, and back west for a half mile. Or, from US 52, go directly 2.8 mi. east on 180th.
p. 280 – The cemetery on the north side of Lake Byllesby [site 25] is no longer posted, but views of the lake from there are more limited than before, and the former path behind the cemetery to the lake is no longer passable.
p. 281 – At Great Western Industrial Park [site 26], beware of the possibility of frequent truck traffic on weekdays. The best birding would be along the Downing Way loop, the first turn left off 284th St., since it has little traffic and productive habitats. There is undisturbed habitat as well at the far west end of 284th.
Carver County
p. 288 – The sightings of Townsend's Solitaires and occasional roosting owls along Grimm Road [site 4] tend to be around the west end of Grimm, and the south end of Springvale Rd. (which turns off Grimm Rd., 0.6 mi. west of CR 11). Also listen for American Woodcock in spring west of the Grimm/Springvale corner, especially around the Grimm Farm historuc site.
McLeod County
p. 291 – Since its whistling-duck record, Riverside Jaycee Park and vicinity [site 7] has provided few notable sightings and seems to receive relatively little attention from either local or visiting birders.
Meeker County
p. 294 – The road which turns off CR 25 to the Grove City sewage ponds is now signed Gun Club Rd.
Hennepin County
p. 303 – The east end of the trail through T. S. Roberts Sanctuary [site 23] is at the signed Peace Garden parking lot on Roseway Rd., just northeast of one-way Lake Harriet Blvd. near the northeast corner of the lake.
p. 303 – The main (only?) entrance to Lakewood Cemetery [also site 23] is at the end of Hennepin Ave. at 36th St. (i.e., 3600 Hennepin Ave. S).
p. 304-305 – The route between Bde Maka Ska [site 31] and Lake Harriet [site 30] can be confusing. Going from north to south, William Berry Pkwy. runs into Lake Harriet Blvd., which then splits into two one-way sections. And going from south to north can be just as disorienting. Rather than try to give directions here, it is best to navigate this area (which includes Lakewood Cemetery and T. S. Roberts Sanctuary [site 23]) using Google Maps, your car's navigation system, or other similar apps.
p. 305 – The directions to French Lake [site 33] include Brockton Ln., which is also named CR 13.
Washington County
p. 314 – Several Hooded Warbler sightings have occurred in the past five consecutive summers at William O’Brien State Park [site 15]. Consult the state park map on site, and look especially in the vicinity of the junction of Woodland Edge and Hardwood Hills trails.
Anoka County
p. 318-319 – At Carlos Avery WMA [site 12], Yellow Rails have been heard at times in late May / early June in 2020-2024. One area has been along 205th Ave. NE, about a half mile west of Stonebridge Rd.; also listen along Pool 10 Rd. between Headquarters Rd. and Pool 9 Rd. (see the QR map).
p. 319 – Another sod farm is just around the corner from the Carlos Avery WMA headquarters [site 12]: from HQ, go 0.6 mi. west on Broadway to Lexington Ave., then turn right (north) and look along the west side of Lexington after a half mile.
Chisago County
p. 320-321 – In 2924, South Sunrise Pool [site 1] on both sides of CR 19 appeared to be a solid cattail marsh with little or no open water. But there is still visible open water and birding potential at this pool via the road going south from CR 19 to the public access and outlet dam. This road forks after 1/4 mi. – either turn right to the public access or left to the dam/creek outlet.
p. 321 – Amended directions to the Fir Trail [site 3]: At the gated end of the street west of Falcon Ave., walk around the gate to where the trail begins and leads 1/4 mi. south along the edge of the field into the solid woods on both sides of the trail.
p. 321 – Amended directions to the public access at Green Lake [site 4]: from US 8, go 2 mi. south on CR 24 to the traffic circle, then bear right (southwest) on CR 23 for 1 mi.
p. 322 – The best (and perhaps only) access to Lawrence Creek SNA [site 9] is from the Unity Ave. parking area, though the signed trail going west from there and down to the creek is steep and the hike difficult. At the creek, turn left/downstream as the trail becomes inconspicuous at times but leads to where Acadian Flycatchers and Louisiana Waterthrushes were still being seen in 2023 (along with Winter Wrens).
p. 323 – In 2024, sod farms [site 13] with birding potential still lie along 400th St.: from North Branch, go 1.2 mi. north on CR 30 / Forest Blvd., then 1.3 - 3.0 mi. east. Also be sure to check along 420th St.: 3.2 mi. north of North Branch on CR 30, then 2 - 3 mi. east.
Isanti County
p. 324 – Amended directions from the north to Anderson County Park [site 1]: CR 18 goes south from CR 5 as Notre Dame St., jogs 1 mi. west, and continues south as Furman St. From the west, take CR 9 from MN 65 (which is 2 mi. north of the county line, or 3.5 mi. south of Isanti), go 8.5 mi. east to Furman St. and 0.5 mi. north.
- p. 325 – Amended directions to Legacy Park [site 3]: from the main parking lot for the soccer fields adjacent the the Isanti sewage ponds, take Eagle St. on west side of 3rd Ave., and go 0.5 mi. west to park's signed parking area on the right.
p. 325 – The visibility at South Stanchfield Lake [site 6] is relatively limited, even from the public access, when the trees along the shore are fully leafed out. However, probably the best place for Eurasian Collared-Dove in the county is along the east side of the lake at the corner of 373rd Ave.
p. 325 – The sod farm on 397th Ave. is now either nonexistemt, or its former accces road is now gated and posted.
Sherburne County
p. 327 – The county map does not clearly show MN Highway 25. It runs between Monticello (Wright Co.) and Big Lake, is then concurrent with US 10 going northwest for 9.5 mi., and turns north into Benton Co.
p. 328 – Oak Savannah County Park is a consistent place to find grasslands birds, such as Bobolink, Lark and Grasshopper sparrows. From US 10 in Becker, go 0.5 mi. north on MN 25, and 0.5 mi. east on 125th Ave. to the park entrance.
p. 330 – The Clear Lake sewage ponds were still in use with birding potential as of May 2023. An alternate, unsigned access road from the north turns south off CR 8, just southeast of MN 24; after 0.7 mi. the road is posted, but it has been OK to walk in beyond there to view the main pond.
Benton County
p. 331 – Other accessible woods along the Mississippi River in Sauk Rapids [site 1] that are often good for migrant passerines lie along Riverside Drive between 3rd and 7th streets NE.
p. 332 – One stand of pines that has attracted Red Crossbills is on CR 2, 0.6 mi. east of the Benton Beach County Park entrance [site 3]. Despite some misleading signage, it’s OK to walk south into the state forest land opposite the corner where 5th Ave. NE turns north.
p. 332 – Common Raven and Northern Waterthrush (presumably nesting) were also found in 2023 in the Little Rock Creek area along 160th St. [site 5]. Farther south, the creek flows through additional bogland habitats in Sartell WMA: to reach one WMA access, go 0.5 mi. west from the creek crossing on 160th, then 1.3 mi. south on 15th Ave. NW.
p. 332 – To reach the best access for viewing the Rice sewage ponds: drive around the west side of the ponds to the end of the road on their south side.
Stearns County
p. 334 – Sauk River Regional Park is one of the best places for woods birding along the Sauk R. in St. Cloud. After crossing the river on CR 1, continue northwest and take the second exit at the traffic circle, then southwest on CR 120 to the sign for Dolores Dr. and the regional park, just before the MN 15 intersection.
Morrison County
p. 343 – Both Yellow Rail and Nelson’s Sparrow were found in June-July 2024 in one of the sedge marshes south of MN 27 and east of the Todd/Morrison county line [site 1]. Both were heard along 140th St. (the east-west road a mile south of 27), about 1/4 mi. east of 10th Ave. (the county line). Note as well that a Nelson's Sparrow was found just east of here on 140th at the creek in 2023, and other nearby meadows have potential for these species, as evidenced by the sporadic reports in some former years.
Aitkin County
p. 364 – Another access to view the NWR's Rice Lake [site 8] is via 240th Place, which turns north off CR 4, 3.6 mi. west of MN 65. Go 1.7 mi. north on 240th to where it turns east, and at this corner an old road/trail goes 1/4 mi. northwest to the lake shore.
p. 364-365 – Between Rice Lake NWR [site 8] and the city of Aitkin is one of the few remaining sets of wild rice paddies in the county (there used to be more in past years), and in May 2024 it was especially productive for shorebirds (with sightings of Red Knot and both godwits). From downtown Aitkin, go 5.6 mi. east and northeast on US 169 to 390th St. / CR 56, then turn east for 2 mi. (En route from Aitkin as well, note that the fields along US 169 itself are productive in some years when converted into sod farms and the like. And watch for Sharp-tailed Grouse as well near the rice paddies on 390th St. – both at the paddies or to the east of them on 390th, and 2-3 mi. south of the paddies along 350th Ave.
Cass County
p. 373 – Access to the Walker sewage ponds [site 18] has changed, especially when turning west off MN 371 / 200. First, Ah-Gwa-Ching Rd. has been renamed and resigned as CR 37, and it comes to a gated 73rd St. in 0.2 mi. Until recently, you could drive on 73rd to the ponds; now, you walk around the gate and continue on foot for 0.4 mi. on 73rd to access the ponds. Going east from MN 34 to the ponds on 73rd hasn’t changed as much: the only difference is that 73rd ends at a gate 0.5 mi. east of 34, and from there it’s a short 0.1-mile walk up to the ponds.
p. 374 – The birding at Deep Portage [site 20] is still worthwhile, although Dale Yerger, formerly the most knowledgeable birder there, has retired and is no longer available to provide current Cass County birding information.
Hubbard County
p. 380 – The signed River Overlook Trailhead at La Salle Lake SNA [site 7] is 0.5 mi. east of the Clearwater/Hubbard county line on CR 9. This trail passes through the jack pine restoration area and is well worth investigating, since the moderate height of these pines and the spacing between them appeared to be ideal Kirtland’s Warbler habitat in 2024.
Clearwater County
p. 382 – Where the road to Iron Springs Bog SNA [site 2] comes to a T, bear left as the road gets rougher and (if passable) continues to its end a half mile from the highway. This SNA’s coniferous habitat is perhaps better than anything in the state park, but the access road only follows one of its edges, and the dense conifers would be difficult to enter on foot.
Beltrami County
p. 386 – Moose River Dike Road [site 4] is signed as open to vehicles from mid-July to mid-September only, but there are good views of open water and marshes at both gated ends:
• From Fourtown, the south gate is a total of 9 mi.north on CR 44 (which zigzags north-west-north-west from “town”), then 1 mi. north on the signed Dike Trail.
• From Fourtown, the north gate is 12.5 mi. north on Fourtown Rd. / Dick’s Parkway, 4 mi. west on Moose River Forest Road [site 5], then 2.3 mi. southwest on the dike road. Where the dike road meets Moose River Rd., it jogs east a bit and continues north as an unsigned and non-gated two-track road to a T at Morehouse Forest Rd. [site 6]; this road goes east back to Dick’s Parkway (and there is no gate here either).
p. 387 – In the Waskish area of wild rice paddies [site 13], those along CR 111 are 1-2 mi. north of CR 23 (not MN 23). And those at the east end of Steel Bridge Rd are now posted and have no access.
p. 387-388 – MN Highway 72 [site 17] also includes black spruce habitat besides the more open boglands between Upper Rice Lake and the Lake of the Woods county line; note the only birding access is from the highway shoulders, except for the Big Bog SRA Boardwalk [site 18].
Lake of the Woods County
p. 392 – Agassiz Lowlands Environmental Learning Area just west of Baudette includes two shallow ponds with grassland habitat, marshes, and small mudflats (depending on water levels). Turn south off MN 11, 0.9 mi. west of the MN 172 junction, and look for the signed parking area on the right, where a path begins that loops up to the ponds.
p. 393 – Although the signed road to Browns Lake [site 12] is a much longer route that does not lead directly to the lake (and involves a half-mile-long hike east on a levee if the gate at the south end of the road is closed), it goes through habitat that looks favorable for rails and sparrows.
Koochiching County
p. 399 – Northome's sewage ponds are usually not worth the 2-mile round trip hike if the entrance road gate is closed. However, some birders have called Northome's municipal building (218 897 57620), and a city employee was able to come out to unlock the gate.
Itasca County
p. 402 – An area with an open landscape and a birding potential similar to Priem Road [site 2] lies along Pincherry Road off US 2 near Cohasset. Turn north off 2 just west of town on signed Pincherry Rd. / CR 88, and follow this road as it zigzags north and west. The fields and other open habitats generally lie 3-5 mi. and 6-7 mi. from US 2.
p. 402 – Another coniferous bog not far to the west of the Old Highway 6 Bog [site 5] is along CR 37, a hall mile or so east of MN 46: turn east off 46 on CR 37, 1.4 mi. north of the CR 9 junction. Connecticut Warbler and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher were found here in June 2023.
St. Louis County
p. 406 – At Canal Park [site 1], wintering gulls may not arrive on some days until around noon, and they often depart for the day by mid- to late afternoon. The presence of Bald Eagles can also limit how long they are present.
p. 408 – Lafayette Square at 31st St. [site 2] is on the Lakeside of Park Point (not the Bayside).
p. 408 – When water birds concentrate in spring on the Lake Superior side of the Park Point Recreation Area [site 3], the largest numbers tend to be earlier in the morning; by mid-morning, they often drift east out on the lake farther from shore and become less visible. This is especially true in early to mid-May when concentrations of 100 or more Red-throated Loons have occurred, usually during the first hour or so after sunrise, with few (and sometimes none) still present after then.
p. 410 – The Erie Pier area [site 10] is still posted and technically off-limits (though often entered by dog walkers, fishermen, and others), but the new hiking/biking Cross City Trail passes near it just west of 40th Ave. West – and is not posted with No Trespassing signs. From the yellow gate at 40th (where there is signage for the Cross City Trail), follow the paved trail west next to the gravel road until the road turns left, crosses some railroad tracks and leads to Erie Pier. Here, where the trail continues west under the Hwy. 2 bridge and beyond, there are no signs which prohibit walking down this road to the impoundment.
p. 411 – If checking for gulls at the landfill in Superior, WI at the base of Wisconsin Point, it is usually worth checking nearby Gull Bluff, a good vantage point for scanning Lake Superior for ducks, jaegers, gulls, and non-common loons. Continue east on the road past the landfill for 1/2 mile, and turn left on the unmarked road leading north to the lake. (Note these roads may not be plowed in winter.)
p. 412 – In Morgan Park [site 14], a new area in 2024 near the Beverly St. access is now a much better site on the river. Indeed, this recently developed area of extensive grassy flats and muddy shoreline, formerly U.S. Steel property, clearly looks like the best single spot along the St. Louis River for almost everything – spring waterfowl and waders, shorebirds both spring and fall, and field birds like pipits, longspurs, and sparrows. From the Morgan Park stoplight, instead of turning left on Beverly St. to the ballfield / playground, continue on 88th Ave. W for 3 more blocks, and turn left on Falcon St. to the small parking lot. There is access here to the paved hiking/biking trail along the old railroad tracks with a side trail leading out to the flats. The main trail along the tracks (now part of the Waabizheshikana – see p. 411) then continues south to Mud Lake [site 16].
p. 412 – Most of the area along Nick Glumac Dr. [site 15] has now been developed, so that little birding habitat remains.
p. 412 – If any No Trespassing signs are posted by the railroad viaduct where birders park to access Mud Lake [site 16], it’s long been OK for fisherfolk, hikers, and birders to disregard them and walk under the viaduct a short way to the railroad tracks, and then to the right (north) along the tracks to Mud Lake – and beyond to Morgan Park [site 14].
p. 412 – The views of the backwaters in Fond du Lac [site 17] from 131st Ave. W have become more limited in recent years. But views are possible nearby from the end of 1st St. off 130th Ave. W (130th turns south off MN 23, 1 block east of 131st).
p. 416 – If looking for views of Lake Superior at 40th Ave. East, first try the east side of the Ecumen Lakeshore building. Also check nearby off London Rd. at 39th Ave. E behind the Zvago residence, and at 38th Ave. E behind Chateau du Lac.
p. 416 – The renovation at Brighton Beach [site 23] was finally completed in October 2024. A one-way road now runs west to east for a half mile through the park, in addition to the extension of the paved Lakewalk [site 22]. The road bears right off MN 61 (entrance only / no exit here), a quarter mile after the Lester River bridge, and comes out on Scenic 61 (exit only / no entrance here), a quarter mile east of where the scenic drive starts off MN 61.
p. 421 & 422 – The new Sharp-tailed Grouse lek about 1/2 mi. south of Sax Rd. and about the same distance west of CR 7 is small, distant, and difficult to see from either road. However, grouse are often spotted along this stretch of the County Road 7 corridor [site 37], especially in winter.
p. 422 – Admiral Road [site 39} may be one of the best birding roads in Sax-Zim Bog, but some birders find it difficult to find since it is not signed near its south end off Sax Rd. / CR 28, or at its north end off Zim Rd. / CR 27. Coming from the south: go 0.9 mi. west from CR 7 on Sax Rd., turn north on signed CR 788 for a half mile to the jog, and here continue north on 788, where you're at the south end of unsigned Admiral Rd. From the north, go 0.8 mi. west from CR 7 on Zim Rd., and turn south on signed CR 788, where you're at the north end of unsigned Admiral.
p. 422 – Another area with birding potential near Sax-Zim is Hedbom Road (see site 15 on p. 365 in the Aitkin County chapter). The east end of Hedbom is near Floodwood, and it heads west to cross the Aitkin-St. Louis county line, which is where the best birding tends to begin. For directions from the Aitkin Co. side to Floodwood, see p. 365, and reverse the description of the west-to-east route.
p. 423 – There is also a Superior National Forest office in Tofte in Cook County.
p. 425 – In the Sturgeon River State Forest [site 47}, the best place in recent months for both American Three-toeds and Black-backeds has been along Plum Creek Rd. / CR 958 (also known as Bubholtz Rd.); this is the first of the three recommended roads listed for this area. Look especially along the first mile east of MN 73.
p. 426 – Old Koschak Farm WMA near Ely includes a couple of marshy ponds with hiking trails along their perimeters – and such habitat is hard to find in this region. Follow MN 169 east of town to CR 88, turn north for 1 mi. to the parking area on the right side of the road, and look for the map and trailhead on the north side of this parking area immediately east of CR 88.
p. 426 – Although there are plenty of coniferous areas along the Echo Trail [site 53], it would now be more accurate to say it mostly travels through mixed woods, rather than mostly coniferous forest. Presumably, this is due to increased logging in recent years, which seems most evident along the 16-mile stretch west of the Poplar River that I'd no longer describe as predominately coniferous.
Lake County
p. 430 – Between Knife River and Two Harbors, Larsmont Cottages (follow the signs on Scenic 61, 2 mi. after Knife River) has potential during migration, since this development has a view of L. Superior (via the trail to the sauna behind the office/restaurant building) and semi-open terrain with edge habitats between the cottages.
p. 432 – Just as you leave Two Harbors and start heading up the North Shore on MN 61, there is a spot worth checking for migrants, a half mile northeast of First St. Turn right on signed Burlington Rd., and take the first road on the right at the Burlington Bay Lakehomes sign: this leads to brush piles and a rocky, weedy open area for sparrows and other like-minded species partial to the edges. Also look for the inconspicuous road here going downhill to the lake, and scan this side of Burlington Bay for ducks, grebes, and loons, which might be more visible here than from First St. back in town.
p. 433 – The former AmericInn en route to Black Beach Park [site 12] is now named Grand Stay Black Beach Inn.
p. 435 – Black-throated Blue Warbler still occurs at George Crosby Manitou State Park [site 18], as evidenced by the singing males along Middle Trail in June 2024. This trail used to be a place to find Philadelphia Vireo in summer, and they may also still occur here.
Cook County
p. 443 – The main Lutsen Resort building [site 8] was destroyed by fire in early 2024 and is now off-limits, but the open habitats along Upper Cliff House Rd. currently remain accessible.
p. 448 – The Grade [site 28] going west from the Sawbill Trail to Lake Co. is signed at 14.8 mi. north of Tofte, but this section of the road is not often birded. The most productive part of The Grade (also signed) turns east off the Sawbill at 17.0 mi. north of Tofte: look especially for Spruce Grouse, both woodpeckers, Boreal Chickadee, and crossbills in the first few miles east of the Sawbill Trail.
p. 449 – Although birders have long been visiting the Lutsen sewage ponds [site 9], some birders there were recently asked to leave. It is possible this new restriction is only temporary, and that other staff would allow access.
The retail price of A Birder's Guide to Minnesota is $34.95 for the First Printing ($37.50 incl. sales tax), or $39.95 for the Second Printing ($42.50 incl. sales tax), with some discounts applicable (e.g., for MBW participants). In addition to the usual retail and online outlets, it is directly available at a discounted price, with no shipping charges from...
• For those in the Twin Cities: contact Craig Mandel, who will be distributing books from his
residence in Minnetonka. To arrange picking up a copy, call or text Craig at (952) 240 7647:
your discounted payment will be $32.00 (First Printing) or $37.00 (Second Printing), due at
the time of your pickup. This can be by check (payable to Kim Eckert), or cash, or bank transfer
via Zelle. Note that these amounts include sales tax and represent a $5.50 discount off the
regular price – and you have no shipping/postage charges to pay.
• For those in the Duluth area: contact the author by phone/text at 218 349 5953, or by email
at eckertkr@gmail.com) to arrange a time and place to pick up a copy. It is available seasonally
as well at the Sax-Zim Bog Welcome Center and at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.
• Of course, the book will available at all MBWeekends (and discounted to $32.00 or $37.00 tax
included). Other outlets include AdventureKeen Publications, Buteo Books, Amazon.com, and
Sparky Stensaas has it for sale at his website (thephotonaturalist.com/shop).

Second Printing Cover
PLEASE NOTE: As described on p. 17, the base map for each county
has an associated QR code printed below it leading to a more detailed
county map. However, some readers have told me they have not been
using these codes, and accordingly they are missing a considerable
amount of useful information. These QR maps are far more
comprehensive (showing all roads, place names, lakes/rivers and other
natural features), and many include numbered birding locations
cited in the text but not shown on the base county maps. You can also
click on place names on these maps which then link to Google Maps
with GPS coordinates to facilitate navigation with your smartphone.
BE SURE TO NOTE AS WELL that you can save maps in advance
and read them later even when you'll be birding in areas
without wifi or cell service. See p. 18 below.

A Birder's Guide to Minnesota, Fifth Edition
Most Recent Update JANUARY 2025
The updates below include information not found in either the
First Printing (November 2022) or the Second Printing (May 2023).
CLICK HERE for the information which is included in the
Second Printing but not the in First – accordingly, those using a book from the
First Printing will also need to refer to that section to see all updates.
~ The newest updates added in January 2025 are indicated in green below ~
This collection of updates will continue as needed to provide those who use this reference to Minnesota's birding locations with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. Accordingly, please contact the author by e-mail (eckertkr@gmail.com), or by phone / text (218 349 5953), with new information you become aware of so this can be passed on to other Minnesota birders. Also note the county contacts listed on p. 20 - 23 who would also be interested in this information.
My thanks to Jon Beck, Erik Collins, Herb Dingmann, Jason Frank, Gerry Hoekstra, Doug Kieser, Jim Lind, John Loegering, Linda McGouirk, John Quinn, Kim Risen, Brian Smith, and Ben Stubbs who have provided information for some of these updates.
p. 14-15 – Most of this state's active birders no longer use the mou-net listservice or rely as much on the Facebook groups cited on these pages to receive and report news of significant bird sightings. Instead, two texting groups havs now become the best places. The larger of the two is the Minnesota County Listers Discord group that is statewide in coverage: the link to join apparently changes every week, but any current member has access to it, or contact Ezra Hosch, one of the administrators, at <emh328@outlook.com>. The other is the Duluth Regional Bird Alert group on the GroupMe platform for birders who are northeastern MN residents: to become a member, contact the author who is currently one of the administrators.
p. 18 – You can save maps in advance and read them later if you think you'll be birding in areas without wifi or cell service. With your smartphone, go to Google Maps, click on your avatar on the right side of the search line, and on the next page select Offline maps. Next, click on Select Your Own Map, on the next page scroll to the area on whatever map you’re interested in, and click Download. You can then read the map’s contents, add annotations with locations or notes, and navigate while birding in areas with no cell service; note that you should select the Default map type, not Satellite or Terrain, which makes the map easier to use.
p. 20-23 – Former Faribault County contact Wayne Feder recenly died, and the other county contact, Brent Ankeny, now has a new email address: <brentankeny@gmail.com>. Former Cass County contact Dale Yerger is no longer an active contact since he recently (and unfortunately) moved out of state.
p. 27 – Since the Second Printing: Common Black Hawk has been added (a 1976 record was reconsidered and is now accepted); Hoary Redpoll is deleted (now considered conspecific with Common Redpoll); and Swainson’s Warbler (a 2023 record) is added. As a result, the state list now includes a total of 452 species through July 2024: the Regular species total is now 313, the Casual list stands at 48 species, the Accidental list total is 88 species, and there are still 3 Exirpated or Extinct species.
p. 61 – Philadelphia Vireo ID: A possible method to reliably distinguish the songs of Philadephia and Red-eyed vireos involves recording the songs and analyzing their audio spectrograms – see sibleyguides.com/2024/04/distinguishing-philadelphia-and-red-eyed-vireos-by-song-is-it-possible.
p. 61 – Northern Shrike ID: Even with a close look and clear photographs, shrike identification is more difficult than most birders think, and not as straightforward as the ID section in the text might imply. Accordingly, see sibleyguides.com/2010/12/a-perplexing-shrike, which helps to simplify most (but not all) of this problem. Note especially the difficulties involved with using bill shape and color, the mask's appearance, and underparts barring. But the article is misleading to say it's useful to look for a white supercilium (present on Northern, absent on Loggerhead), and a white patch at the base of the primaries (absent on Northern, present on Loggerhead). However, sort through any collection of shrike photos, and it doesn't take long to find the opposite: i.e., images of Northerns without a white supercilium or with a white wing patch, and of Loggerheads with a supercilium and without a wing patch.
p. 62 – Boreal Chickadee researchers have determined that this species' preferred habitat consists of larger black spruce trees; looking for them in white spruce, tamarack, northern white cedars, pines, or shorter black spruce would be less productive. Also note that Boreals have declined in numbers in recent years and are now noticeably more difficult to find.
p. 76 – Louisiana Waterthrush ID: As mentioned in this ID section, oft-cited differences between the two waterthrushes can be variable, subtle, and difficult to judge. Much of the confusion, however. is addressed in this article: sibleyguides.com/2012/08/identification-of-waterthrushes. One thing it stresses is the difference in the underparts streaking: note the Louisiana's unstreaked upper breast just below the throat (presence or absence of streaks on the throat itself is less useful), and that the rest of its underparts looks whiter overall with fewer streaks than Northern (especially on the lower belly and flanks). But note this article also stresses the Louisiana's wider and whiter supercilium stripe; however, I have found this feature (both in the field and in photos) too variable to be a consistent and reliable field mark.
p. 82 – Add Arctic Loon to ths list of potential addiktions to the Minnesota state list (replacing Swainson's Warbler as one of the 20 original entries).
Kittson County
p. 91 – Like other county landfills, the one in Kittson along the MN 175 / Middle Branch of Two Rivers corridor has potential to attract gulls and some raptors. From CR 5, go 1 mi. west on 175 to 290th Ave. and 0.5 mi. north.
Marshall County
p. 101 – East Park WMA [site 7] is sometimes difficult to reach since at times its roads may be gated or signed to restrict access. If 425th St. from the west provides no access, you can backtrack 1.8 mi. west, then 1.5 mi. south to 410th St., and east 1-3 mi. through southern part of WMA. From there, you can reach the WMA’s east access road: continue 2 mi. east on 410th to CR 118, then 3 mi. north, and west 1-4 mi. through the WMA to the impoundment (though this road may also be gated or posted).
Pennington County
p. 104 – Wayne Johnson still welcomes birders to contact him by text for access to the Thief River Falls sewage ponds [site 4]: his text number is 218 689 8967 (texts only please; no calls). It is best not to use the office phone number and e-mail address cited in the text.
Polk County
p. 109 – Crookston’s excellent sewage ponds [site 2] are still signed “Public Access Prohibited,” but at least one local birder reports that the entrance gate is often open, and he then has driven in – without anyone advising him to leave while he birds there.
p. 112 – The conifers in the southwest part of Lengby [site 25] are by St. Paul’s Church on CR 201.
Clay County
p. 122 – Access to the Hawley sewage ponds from CR 31 past the compost area is still possible, but there is now easier access from the north off US 2. Turn south off 2 just east of the RR viaduct on Maple St. / 5th St., and go 0.5 mi. south to the gated fence north of the ponds (views of the ponds only possible from beyond the fence).
Otter Tail County
p. 128 – The egret-cormorant rookery at Grotto Lake [site 11] was damaged by a July 2023 storm, and most or all nests were abandoned; reportedly, however, at least some have returned to nest in 2024. The few pairs of Black-crowned Night Herons nesting nearby in more sheltered trees may have weathered the storm better, and reportedly a few returned in 2024. However, it's still possible this species will actually become extirpated as a nesting species in Minnesota (since this modest colony may be the state's largest).
Grant County
p. 139 – The parking spot for access to Mustinka WMA [site 4] is 1/4 mi. west (not east) of the WMA.
Douglas County
p. 143 – Clifford Lake Rd., which leads to the Osakis sewage ponds, turns south off CR 82, not MN 27
(this former state highway was changed to a county road).
Big Stone County
p. 151 – In the Otrey Lake area [site 2], in addition to CR 21, take CR 67 east from 21 and then north to CR 10; Snowy Egret and nesting Western Grebes were present along CR 67 in 2024.
p. 151 – For the best woodlands at the Big Stone State Park’s Bonanza Unit( [see the Big Stone Lake section; site 6], drive to the northwest end of the park road to the small “nature center,” and walk the loop trail which starts to the left of the building.
p. 152 – In addition to the entrance road to the state park’s Meadowbrook Unit [also site 6], continue 0.9 mi. southeast on MN 7 to 770th Ave. which also leads to the lake through a good mix of habitats. (If traveling generally northwest on MN 7 from Ortonville, 770th is 7.0 miles from the downtown courthouse, the Meadowbrook Unit road is at 7.9 mi., the park overlook at 16.6 mi., and the Bonanza Unit road is 17.8 mi. from the courthouse.)
p. 152 – Starting in 2020, Say’s Phoebes have occurred at a gravel pit area just north of Odessa. In 2024, the phoebes were just south of the Bituminous Paving office (turn west off CR 21, 0.8 mi. north of MN 7), where it was OK to park and walk around out of the way of the equipment. In other years, they were nearby in the inactive gravel pits east of CR 21 (where you’d probably need permission to access).
p. 153 – Near the south end of 580th Avenue, one of the Marsh Lake access roads [site 10], there is additional habitat along 480th St., which turns west off 580th, a mile south of MN 7.
p. 153 – There are now better views and access to Marsh L. via 90th St., rather than from 95th [see site 11]. (Also see p. 160 in Swift County [site 1].)
Lac Qui Parle County
p. 158 – At Cory Lake [site 17], the path to Hamlin WMA’s wooded area is 1.3 mi. east of US 75, not 0.7 mi.
p. 159 – Sharp-tailed Grouse have occasionally occurred in the Mount Wickham area [site 19] in recent years.
Kandiyohi County
p. 167 – The Carlson Dairy area [site 3] was still dry without any mudflats visible in March 2024, and it now seems doubtful this site will be productive for birding.
p. 168 – There is also good mixed habitat with birding potential along other roads near 115th Street [site 13]. One is 130th St./CR 135, which parallels 115th a mile to the east; another is 228th Ave., the first east-west road between 115th and 130th you come to north of MN 23.
Yellow Medicine County
p. 174-175 – The road east from MN 23 along the south side of the Minnesota River to the former Upper Sioux Agency park is now signed MN 167. (MN 67 now turns east off 23, 2.2 mi. farther south, and is then concurrent with MN 274 going south to Wood Lake.) And of special note, be aware that Upper Sioux Agency [site 4] is no longer a state park. In February 2024, the property closed and reverted back to being tribal land, with its trails, camp sites, Mazomani Overlook, etc. no longer accessible.
Lincoln County
p. 179 – The relatively extensive woodland for migrant passerines in Picnic Point County Park at Lake Shaokatan [site 9] is probably the county's second-best wooded site; only Hole-in-the-Mountain County Park [site 15] would be better.
Lyon County
p. 183 – Island Lake [site 8] has had better birding for shorebirds, waders, and other water birds in recent years than less accessible Highpoint Lake [also site 8]. Accordingly, if you have time to bird only one of these lakes, most birders would choose Island Lake.
Redwood County
p. 187 – Bell’s Vireo has been found in 3 consecutive years (2021-2023) at the northern tip of the county near the Minnesota River. From the junction of CR 7 & 440th St. [site 1], go 1 mi. south, 1 mi. east, and 0.6 mi. south on Grandview Ave.
p. 188 – Clarification: Aspen Avenue [site 7] is a mile east of the Lyon county line.
p. 189 – In summer 2024, Prothonotary Warblers were found along CR 10 / 360th St. [site 1], 1.3 mi. west of CR 7.
Watonwan County
p. 192 – Water levels at the 320th Street Wetland [site 1] were still too low in 2023, and in March 2024 the area was mostly cattail marsh. The only visible open water along 320th St. was limited to a smaller area a half mile east of tthe highway, without any mudflats or walk-in access as before. It seems unlikely that this wetland will be nearly as good in future years.
Cottonwood County
p 195 – Pat's Grove County Park [site 9] is reportedly the most consistent place for Eastern Screech-Owl in Cottonwood and adjacent counties.
Pipestone County
p. 202 – There are alternate spellings of Minett-Krintz Reservoir [site 2], and Minett-Kranz seems to be favored by the DNR. Regardless of the spelling, note its small grove of planted pines; in any western Minnesota county, conifer groves are often worth checking for roosting owls or finches.
p. 202-203 – The city of Pipestone now requires that birders get an annual permit before entering the sewage ponds [site 6]. Joel Adelman continues to be a contact person for this (office phone 507 825 2506), but for a more direct way of obtaining a permit, email Deb Nelson (dnelson@cityofpipestone.com).
Houston County
p. 232 – There is a small pull-off for viewing the MN Highway 16 wetland [site 3]. It’s on the south side of the highway, 2.0 mi. east of CR 25 or 0.1 mi east of Ryan Rd.; if coming from the east from Hokah, look for it 3.5 mi. west of the MN 44 junction.
p. 232 – Mound Prairie SNA [site 4] includes two tracts south of MN 16, which are easier to access than the area off Carlson Rd. on the north side of 16 (the trail uphill from that pull-out to the SNA is usually overgrown). To reach the southern tracts: go 0.5 mi. west from Carlson Rd. on MN 16 to Mound Prairie Dr., 0.1 mi. south to Golfview Dr., then east as Golfview becomes Hidden Valley Dr., and after the curve south you’ll see a SNA sign on the left; the road ends shortly after that at a trail leading left and uphill to a another SNA section.
p. 233 – Yellow-throated Warblers have still been present in 2022 and 2023 about 1/4 mi. north of the Reno Recreation Area campground [site 8]; however, they can be difficult to see, so listen for the song in the tall pines along Hillside Rd.
p. 234 – The easement to access Gordon Anderson Recreation Area [site 13] appeared to be discontinued in May 2023, as the access road has become a private driveway. It is unknown if this change is temporary or permanent, or if the area can be reached another way from CR 2.
Wabasha County
p. 241 – The gate at the two-track road at McCarthy Lake WMA [site 4] is now usually left open; if so, it’s OK to drive in and park away from CR 84 (where parking is difficult).
p. 243 – Acadian Flycatcher and Louisiana Waterthrush have occurred in recent years (including 2023) near Carley State Park [site 14] along the north branch of the Whitewater River, just across the Olmsted County line. Then, in 2023, they were joined by a Yellow-throated Warbler, singing in the pines on the ridge above the river. From the state park’s entrance road, go 0.5 mi. south on Wabasha CR 4 / Olmsted CR 10, then east on 72nd St. for 1.5 mi. to its end, and hike south and east on an old two-track road down into the woods along the river.
Dodge County
p. 248-249 – In fall 2024, some birders reported encounters with aggressive dogs at Tollefson Woods [site 2]. It is not known if this problem still exists or has been taken care of.
Waseca County
p. 253 – There are now small sewage ponds at Waldorf, 1 mi. northwest of town on MN 83.
Rice County
p. 269 – The east side trail of the Cannon River Wilderness [site 2] goes west from the CR 20 parking lot (it's not the trail labeled County Park going north), then down the steep hill with steps to river, and generally southwest until it eventually ends (it does not connect with the trail on west side). If you're short of time, it's usually OK to skip the west side of the Wilderness; the wooded trail going east and northeast from the parking area is not that interesting and dead ends just after its bridge to east side of river.
p. 269 – A less complicated website URL with maps of Carleton Arboretum [site 5] is at carleton.edu/campus/arb. The easiest access now to the Lower Arb: from the junction of MN 3 and MN 19, take 19 northeast 0.6 mi. to the parking lot on north side of road, take the footbridge at the east end of this lot, then bear right at the fork to a kiosk with maps.
p. 270 – St. Olaf College Natural Lands [site 3] has a new website at stolaf.edu/naturallands/maps, and the new QR to the maps on this link is: