Well, I’d have to say we have a tie between Jay and Angela in our MBW’s Stone Face competition at Pipestone National Monument – although I suppose we could vote on this as we did on Saturday’s potato side dishes. But I’ll bet there’s no need to vote on which group dinner you liked better, as Sterling’s Cafe & Grill on Sunday took excellent care of us in an hour’s less time than did the relatively inefficient Bluestem Restaurant on Saturday.
And I assume no vote is needed either on what you thought of the weather on Saturday, as we had to adjust our birding itinerary while the rain followed us around almost all day long. Still, it was remarkable that we had no wind to speak of on any of the days, given that the wind is so characteristic of the prairie. So, despite the rain, we managed to come up with no fewer than 142 species on our composite list: 105 on the Nobles Co pre-MBW, and 130 on the main Rock-Pipestone MBW.
Our grand total was also impressive given that relatively few migrants were still passing through this late in May. While we did come up with 13 shorebird species in all, only 7 of these were true migrants heading for points north of Minnesota, and 4 of these were represented by just single individuals – only White-rumpeds, Semis, and Red-necked Phalaropes were plural in number. We did better with passerines migrating farther north, although no migrant waves were present and almost all the species were seen just once or twice: Olive-sided and Yellow-bellied flycatchers, Blue-headed and Philadelphia vireos, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Swainson’s and Gray-cheeked thrushes, Mourning, Magnolia and Canada warblers, and Lincoln’s and White-crowned (unusually late) sparrows. There were only multiples for Alder Flycatcher and Tennessee Warbler.
Also of note on this MBW were some southwestern Minnesota specialties and even a few unexpected rarities. Foremost among the highlights on Friday’s pre-MBW was that group of 8 Cattle Egrets we turned up south of Worthington. Unusual as well on Friday was the Eastern Meadowlark first heard by Brian Smith across the road from the noisy Adrian truck stop, and it eventually came close enough for us to study its plumage features. Earlier in the day we had an Eastern Screech-Owl obligingly fly into view in one of Worthington’s city parks, two apparently healthy Greater White-fronted Geese were lingering at the former sewage ponds in Worthington, and an injured Snow Goose was equally late just south of town.
During the main MBW in Rock and Pipestone counties, yet another unexpected and out-of-range Eastern Meadowlark was found singing at Pipestone National Monument, and a tip from Nelvina DeKam, long-time resident birder in this corner of the state, led us to another screech-owl east of Hardwick in Rock Co. A non-breeding Common Loon was a surprise in a gravel pit pond just south of Blue Mounds State Park, since this species is hard to come by in essentially lake-less Rock Co; also quite unexpected here was a Lark Sparrow on the outskirts of Luverne; and Blue Grosbeaks – that quintessential specialty of southwestern Minnesota – provided the group with excellent views at both Blue Mounds and Pipestone National Monument.
Bird List (composite total =142 species)
N = Nobles Co, May 27 pre-MBW (101 in Nobles + 4 in Rock = 105 species)
R = Rock Co, primarily May 28 & May 30 (112 species)
P = Pipestone Co, primarily May 29 (108 species)
Greater White-fronted Goose N pre-MBW only
Snow Goose N pre-MBW only
Canada Goose NRP
Wood Duck NRP
Gadwall NP
American Wigeon N pre-MBW only
Mallard NRP
Blue-winged Teal NRP
Northern Shoveler NP
Canvasback P
Redhead NRP
Ring-necked Duck N pre-MBW only
Lesser Scaup NP
Hooded Merganser RP
Ruddy Duck NRP
Ring-necked Pheasant NRP
Wild Turkey RP
Common Loon R
Pied-billed Grebe NRP
Eared Grebe NP
Double-crested Cormorant NRP
American White Pelican NP
Great Blue Heron NRP
Cattle Egret N pre-MBW only
Green Heron P
Black-crowned Night-Heron N pre-MBW only
Turkey Vulture NRP
Bald Eagle NP
Northern Harrier RP
Cooper's Hawk R
Broad-winged Hawk R (Brad only)
Swainson's Hawk RP
Red-tailed Hawk NRP
Virginia Rail P
Sora NP
American Coot NP
Black-bellied Plover N pre-MBW only
Killdeer NRP
Spotted Sandpiper NRP
Solitary Sandpiper P
Lesser Yellowlegs N pre-MBW only
Upland Sandpiper NP
White-rumped Sandpiper NRP
Pectoral Sandpiper R
Semipalmated Sandpiper NRP
Wilson's Snipe P
American Woodcock R (Denny only)
Wilson's Phalarope NRP
Red-necked Phalarope RP
Franklin's Gull N pre-MBW only
Ring-billed Gull NR
Black Tern NRP
Forster's Tern P
Rock Pigeon NRP
Eurasian Collared-Dove NRP
Mourning Dove NRP
Yellow-billed Cuckoo R
Eastern Screech-Owl NR
Common Nighthawk RP
Chimney Swift NRP
Ruby-throated Hummingbird RP
Belted Kingfisher NRP
Red-headed Woodpecker NRP
Red-bellied Woodpecker NR
Downy Woodpecker NRP
Hairy Woodpecker NRP
Northern Flicker NRP
American Kestrel NRP
Merlin N pre-MBW only (Don only)
Olive-sided Flycatcher R
Eastern Wood-Pewee NRP
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher RP
Alder Flycatcher NRP
Willow Flycatcher NR
Least Flycatcher NRP
Eastern Phoebe NRP
Great Crested Flycatcher R
Western Kingbird P
Eastern Kingbird NRP
Yellow-throated Vireo R
Blue-headed Vireo R
Warbling Vireo NRP
Philadelphia Vireo R
Red-eyed Vireo NRP
Blue Jay NRP
American Crow NRP
Horned Lark N pre-MBW only
Purple Martin NP
Tree Swallow NRP
Northern Rough-winged Swallow RP
Bank Swallow NRP
Cliff Swallow NRP
Barn Swallow NRP
Black-capped Chickadee NRP
White-breasted Nuthatch NRP
House Wren NRP
Sedge Wren NRP
Marsh Wren NRP
Ruby-crowned Kinglet R
Eastern Bluebird NRP
Gray-cheeked Thrush N pre-MBW only
Swainson's Thrush R
American Robin NRP
Gray Catbird NRP
Brown Thrasher NRP
European Starling NRP
Cedar Waxwing NRP
Tennessee Warbler NRP
Mourning Warbler RP
Common Yellowthroat NRP
American Redstart NRP
Magnolia Warbler P
Yellow Warbler NRP
Canada Warbler R (Roy only)
Chipping Sparrow NRP
Clay-colored Sparrow RP
Field Sparrow NRP
Vesper Sparrow NRP
Lark Sparrow R
Savannah Sparrow NRP
Grasshopper Sparrow RP
Song Sparrow NRP
Lincoln's Sparrow R
Swamp Sparrow NRP
White-crowned Sparrow R
Northern Cardinal NR
Rose-breasted Grosbeak RP
Blue Grosbeak RP
Indigo Bunting RP
Dickcissel RP
Bobolink NRP
Red-winged Blackbird NRP
Eastern Meadowlark NP
Western Meadowlark NRP
Yellow-headed Blackbird NRP
Common Grackle NRP
Brown-headed Cowbird NRP
Orchard Oriole NRP
Baltimore Oriole NRP
House Finch NRP
American Goldfinch NRP
House Sparrow NRP
Craig Mandel photo
It almost seems that Lazuli Buntings have been all over the place lately. Besides the one we found in Pipestone, there was another reported over the weekend at a rural feeder in Rock County between Edgerton and Hardwick, along with that continuing bird in Le Sueur County – and that makes at least six Lazulis that I’ve heard of in Minnesota this month. Still, I don’t think that diminishes the significance of the bird we found during our three-day MBW, as we came up with a surprising and grand total of 171 species ! (This includes the wet Eastern Screech-Owl we heard at Worthington’s Chautauqua Park shortly after we left Perkins.) And certainly we would have added a few more birds to the list if our plans on Monday hadn’t been washed away by that relentless rain.
Our MBW's composite total of 171 was grand, indeed, as I was surprised to find this surpassed any of our previous Memorial Day MBWs in SW Minnesota by at least 30 species. In fact, on Friday's pre-MBW alone we came up with no fewer than 142, which matched our previous best MBW total here in 2016 – and it took us three days to find that many then, not just one day this time. Our Jackson County day’s success was mostly due to the 21 warbler species grounded during that cold, wet morning, and we eventually finished with 22 species for the three-day MBW (adding a Golden-winged seen by some at Blue Mounds on Saturday). We also did fairly well with shorebirds as we came up with 18 species, with those flooded fields Brad discovered along CR 4 in Jackson County proving to be the best spot.
The quintessential specialty of SW Minnesota is the Blue Grosbeak, and we had our best looks and listens near the north end of the escarpment at Blue Mounds; later some had another farther south along the escarpment, and there was a third at Pipestone Nat’l Monument. Another specialty in this part of the state is the small population of Great-tailed Grackles in Jackson County, but we only managed a distant and brief look at one of these. And equally as memorable as these two specialties were all the Common Nighthawks we saw all three days, especially those at rest on seemingly every horizontal branch we looked at, and especially those actually calling as they perched – something I don’t ever recall witnessing before.
Other highlights included an out-of-season Greater White-fronted Goose at the flooded Jackson County shorebird field, an unexpected Great Scaup and our only Western Kingbird at the Pipestone sewage ponds, a serendipitous and cryptic pair of Gray Partridge en route to Pipestone (they practically disappeared after landing in the field), a family group of 4 Swainson’s Hawks at Touch the Sky Prairie, that group of at least 50 Eastern Kingbirds lining the fences at the Hills sewage ponds, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers in both Jackson and Rock counties where the species is rare, and an out-of place Lark Sparrow seen by all at the entrance to Blue Mounds.
Bird List
J = seen in Jackson County; mostly May 24 (plus briefly May 25)
R = seen in Rock County; mostly May 25 (plus briefly May 26)
P = seen in Pipestone County; May 26
Greater White-fronted Goose J
Canada Goose JRP
Trumpeter Swan J
Wood Duck JRP
Blue-winged Teal JRP
Northern Shoveler JP
Gadwall JP
Mallard JRP
Green-winged Teal J
Redhead P
Ring-necked Duck JP
Greater Scaup P
Lesser Scaup RP
Hooded Merganser P
Ruddy Duck JP
Gray Partridge R
Ring-necked Pheasant JRP
Wild Turkey JP
Pied-billed Grebe JRP
Red-necked Grebe J
Western Grebe P
Rock Pigeon JRP
Eurasian Collared-Dove JRP
Mourning Dove JRP
Black-billed Cuckoo R
Common Nighthawk JRP
Chimney Swift JRP
Ruby-throated Hummingbird JRP
Virginia Rail JP
Sora JP
American Coot JRP
Semipalmated Plover J (Brad only)
Killdeer JRP
Upland Sandpiper P
Ruddy Turnstone J
Dunlin J
Baird’s Sandpiper J
Least Sandpiper JR
White-rumped Sandpiper J
Pectoral Sandpiper J
Semipalmated Sandpiper JRP
Short-billed Dowitcher J (Brad only)
Wilson’s Snipe RP
Spotted Sandpiper JRP
Solitary Sandpiper J
Lesser Yellowlegs P
Greater Yellowlegs R
Wilson’s Phalarope JRP
Red-necked Phalarope RP
Ring-billed Gull JP
Caspian Tern J
Black Tern JRP
Forster’s Tern JP
Common Loon RP
Double-crested Cormorant JRP
American White Pelican JP
Great Blue Heron JRP
Green Heron RP
Black-crowned Night-Heron R
Turkey Vulture JRP
Northern Harrier RP
Sharp-shinned Hawk - Cottonwood Co only
Bald Eagle JRP
Broad-winged Hawk JRP
Swainson’s Hawk RP
Red-tailed Hawk JRP
Eastern Screech-Owl - Nobles Co (heard-only in the rain)
Great Horned Owl J
Belted Kingfisher JR
Red-headed Woodpecker JRP
Red-bellied Woodpecker JR
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker JRP
Downy Woodpecker JRP
Hairy Woodpecker JR
Northern Flicker JRP
Pileated Woodpecker J
American Kestrel RP
Great Crested Flycatcher JRP
Western Kingbird P
Eastern Kingbird JRP
Eastern Wood-Pewee JRP
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher JRP
Alder Flycatcher - Cottonwood Co only
Willow Flycatcher JRP
Least Flycatcher JRP
Eastern Phoebe JR
Yellow-throated Vireo JR
Blue-headed Vireo J
Philadelphia Vireo JR
Warbling Vireo JRP
Red-eyed Vireo JRP
Blue Jay JRP
American Crow JRP
Horned Lark R
Purple Martin JRP
Tree Swallow JRP
N. Rough-winged Swallow JRP
Bank Swallow JR
Cliff Swallow JRP
Barn Swallow JRP
Black-capped Chickadee JRP
Red-breasted Nuthatch JR
White-breasted Nuthatch JRP
House Wren JRP
Sedge Wren JRP
Marsh Wren JRP
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher JR
Ruby-crowned Kinglet J
Eastern Bluebird JRP
Veery J
Gray-cheeked Thrush J
Swainson’s Thrush JRP
Wood Thrush J
American Robin JRP
Gray Catbird JRP
Brown Thrasher JRP
European Starling JRP
Cedar Waxwing JRP
House Sparrow JRP
House Finch JRP
American Goldfinch JRP
Chipping Sparrow JRP
Clay-colored Sparrow JRP
Field Sparrow JRP
Vesper Sparrow JR
Lark Sparrow JR
Savannah Sparrow JRP
Grasshopper Sparrow RP
Song Sparrow JRP
Lincoln’s Sparrow J
Swamp Sparrow JRP
Harris’s Sparrow R
White-crowned Sparrow J
Yellow-headed Blackbird JRP
Bobolink JRP
Western Meadowlark JRP
Orchard Oriole JRP
Baltimore Oriole JRP
Red-winged Blackbird JRP
Brown-headed Cowbird JRP
Common Grackle JRP
Great-tailed Grackle J
Ovenbird JR
Northern Waterthrush J
Golden-winged Warbler R
Black-and-white Warbler JR
Tennessee Warbler JRP
Orange-crowned Warbler JR
Nashville Warbler JRP
Mourning Warbler JRP
Common Yellowthroat JRP
American Redstart JRP
Cape May Warbler J
Northern Parula J
Magnolia Warbler JRP
Bay-breasted Warbler J
Blackburnian Warbler J
Yellow Warbler JRP
Chestnut-sided Warbler JRP
Blackpoll Warbler JRP
Yellow-rumped Warbler JR
Black-throated Green Warbler J
Canada Warbler JRP
Wilson’s Warbler JRP
Scarlet Tanager J
Northern Cardinal JRP
Rose-breasted Grosbeak JRP
Blue Grosbeak RP
Indigo Bunting JR
Lazuli Bunting P
Dickcissel R
One of 8 Cattle Egrets ~ Nobles County Road 57 ~ 27 May (KRE “digiscope” image)
Eastern Screech-Owl ~ Chautauqua Park, Worthington ~ 27 May (KRE “digibin” image)
* * *
MAY 27 - 28 - 29 - 30, 2016

Kathrynne at Woodstock WMA, Pipestone County
(Roy Zimmerman photo)
Minnesota’s so-called Theater of Seasons continued into this MBWeekend, after our three previous MBWs this spring saw about every possible weather condition you could think of. And most of them were on the unpleasant side of the spectrum – while most of the pleasant weather we did manage to find had not been in the forecast. This time around, it was too cold (in the 40s) during much of Thursday in Jackson Co., though the sun and temperatures closer to 60 appeared later in the afternoon, and the winds were light to moderate. Our Friday in Nobles Co. warmed into the 70s with only moderate winds once again, before the weather deteriorated the next day in Rock Co.
On Saturday, strong south winds hampered our birding at Blue Mounds in the morning, and the heat came in after the winds moderated. As forecast, Luverne hit a high of 92 as we birded at the Hills sewage ponds and vicinity. It unexpectedly cooled off back into the 70s on Sunday in Pipestone Co. with no wind problems to speak of, but our birding efforts back at Blue Mounds on Monday were halted twice by rainstorms, and most MBWers wisely decided to head for home prematurely. Later, the survivors did find two more ibis south of Luverne, faced high winds as we tried to listen for Henslow’s at Touch the Sky Prairie and to bird a bit in Pipestone Co. – and went dumpster-diving to find my lost county map at Pipestone Monument.
Despite all our weather challenges, we did quite well overall by finding a composite total of 162 species from Thursday through Sunday – don’t think there was anything new for the overall list on Monday. (And this total was despite our limited efforts to bird Blue Mounds.) The leading highlight of all this had to be that wetland on Quince Ave. south of Worthington on Friday, where we simultaneously saw a male Cinnamon Teal (spotted by Deb!), Black-necked Stilt (first spotted by Brian), and White-faced Ibis (also present there Thursday).
Also noteworthy were: Kathrynne’s Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Blue Mounds (or was it a hybrid shorebird?!), an unexpected Sandhill Crane flying by Round Lake, a nice total of 18 shorebirds (Am. Avocets at both the Pipestone and Edgerton ponds, Hudsonian Godwit at the Hills ponds, plus that Black-n. Stilt), a surprising Cattle Egret flying over L. Okabena in Worthington, two more White-faced Ibis along Hwy. 75 on Monday), Henslow’s (seen & heard by some at Touch the Sky) and Lark (at a Pipestone Co. gravel pit) sparrows, an eventually cooperative Great-tailed Grackle at Skunk Lake in Jackson Co., a respectable total of 15 warbler species, and singing Blue Grosbeaks (without any gravel pits around!) at Round Lake, Blue Mounds, and Pipestone.
In addition, I was intrigued by the anomalous songs we heard on three occasions. Two Indigo Buntings sang Northern Waterthrush-like songs at Robertson County Park on Thursday (well, they fooled me). Later that day near Jackson we found a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher that appeared to be giving an Acadian-like song (or was there also a real Acadian Flycatcher present?). And on Friday along Fox Farm Rd. near Worthington, we heard a song much like a Black-throated Green Warbler – somehow coming from a Black-capped Chickadee!
Bird List
J = Jackson County on Thursday = 123 species
N = Nobles County on Friday (+ some Thursday morning) = 123 species
R = Rock County on Saturday (+ some Sunday afternoon & Monday) = 112 species
P = Pipestone County on Sunday (+ some on Monday) = 116 species
Snow Goose J, N
Greater White-fronted Goose J, N
Canada Goose J, N, R, P
Trumpeter Swan J, N, P
Wood Duck J, N, R, P
Blue-winged Teal J, N, R, P
Cinnamon Teal N
Northern Shoveler J, N, P
Gadwall J, N
American Wigeon N, R
Mallard J, N, R, P
Northern Pintail N
Redhead J, P
Ring-necked Duck J, N, P
Lesser Scaup J, N, P
Bufflehead J
Hooded Merganser J, N, R, P
Ruddy Duck J, R, P
Wild Turkey J, P
Gray Partridge P
Ring-necked Pheasant J, N, R, P
Pied-billed Grebe J, P
Western Grebe J, N
Rock Pigeon J, N, R, P
Eurasian Collared-Dove N, R, P
Mourning Dove J, N, R, P
Yellow-billed Cuckoo R
Common Nighthawk N, R, P
Chimney Swift J, N, R, P
Ruby-throated Hummingbird J, N, R, P
Virginia Rail J, N, R, P
Sora J, N, P
American Coot J, N, R, P
Sandhill Crane J
American Avocet P
Black-necked Stilt N
Killdeer J, N, R, P
Semipalmated Plover R
Upland Sandpiper R
Hudsonian Godwit R
Stilt Sandpiper N, R, P
Sanderling J, N, R, P
Least Sandpiper J, N, R
White-rumped Sandpiper J, N, R, P
Pectoral Sandpiper J, N, R
Semipalmated Sandpiper J, N, R, P
Wilson’s Snipe P
Spotted Sandpiper J, N, R, P
Lesser Yellowlegs J, N, R, P
Greater Yellowlegs P
Wilson’s Phalarope J, N, R, P
Red-necked Phalarope J, R, P
Franklin’s Gull N, R, P
Ring-billed Gull J, R
Caspian Tern J
Black Tern J, N, R, P
Forster’s Tern J
Double-crested Cormorant J, N, R, P
American White Pelican J, N, R
American Bittern J, N
Great Blue Heron J, N, R, P
Cattle Egret N
Green Heron N, R, P
White-faced Ibis N, R
Turkey Vulture J, N, R, P
Northern Harrier J
Cooper’s Hawk N, R, P
Bald Eagle J, P
Broad-winged Hawk J, N, P
Swainson’s Hawk R
Red-tailed Hawk J, N, R, P
Great Horned Owl N
Belted Kingfisher J, N, R, P
Red-headed Woodpecker N, R, P
Red-bellied Woodpecker J, R, P
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker J, N
Downy Woodpecker J, N, R, P
Hairy Woodpecker J, N, R, P
Northern Flicker N, R, P
American Kestrel J, N, R, P
Great Crested Flycatcher J, R, P
Western Kingbird P
Eastern Kingbird J, N, R, P
Olive-sided Flycatcher J, R
Eastern Wood-Pewee J, R, P
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher J, N
Alder Flycatcher J, N, R, P
Willow Flycatcher J, N, R, P
Least Flycatcher J, N, R, P
Eastern Phoebe J, P
Yellow-throated Vireo J
Blue-headed Vireo J, N
Philadelphia Vireo J, N, R
Warbling Vireo J, N, R, P
Red-eyed Vireo J, N, R, P
Blue Jay J, N, R, P
American Crow J, N, R, P
Black-capped Chickadee J, N, R, P
Horned Lark J, N, R, P
Bank Swallow N, R, P
Tree Swallow J, N, R, P
Northern Rough-winged Swallow N, R, P
Purple Martin J, N, R, P
Barn Swallow J, N, R, P
Cliff Swallow J, N, R, P
Cedar Waxwing N, R, P
Red-breasted Nuthatch J
White-breasted Nuthatch J, N, R, P
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher J
House Wren J, N, R, P
Sedge Wren J, N, R, P
Marsh Wren J, N, R, P
Gray Catbird J, N, R, P
Brown Thrasher J, N, R, P
European Starling J, N, R, P
Swainson’s Thrush J, N, P
American Robin J, N, R, P
House Sparrow J, N, R, P
House Finch J, N, R, P
American Goldfinch J, N, R, P
Grasshopper Sparrow R, P
Lark Sparrow P
Chipping Sparrow J, N, R, P
Clay-colored Sparrow J, N, R, P
Field Sparrow N, R, P
Vesper Sparrow J, R, P
Henslow’s Sparrow R
Savannah Sparrow N, R, P
Song Sparrow J, N, R, P
Swamp Sparrow J, N, R, P
Eastern Towhee R
Yellow-headed Blackbird J, N, R, P
Bobolink J, N, R, P
Eastern Meadowlark N
Western Meadowlark J, N, R, P
Orchard Oriole J, N, R, P
Baltimore Oriole J, N, R, P
Red-winged Blackbird J, N, R, P
Brown-headed Cowbird J, N, R, P
Common Grackle J, N, R, P
Great-tailed Grackle J
Golden-winged Warbler J
Black-and-white Warbler J, N, P
Tennessee Warbler J, N, R, P
Nashville Warbler J, N
Mourning Warbler N
Common Yellowthroat J, N, R, P
American Redstart J, N, R, P
Cape May Warbler P
Magnolia Warbler J, N
Blackburnian Warbler J, N, P
Yellow Warbler J, N, R, P
Chestnut-sided Warbler J, N
Blackpoll Warbler J, N, R, P
Canada Warbler J, N
Wilson’s Warbler J, N, R
Scarlet Tanager J, R
Northern Cardinal J, N, R, P
Rose-breasted Grosbeak J, N, R, P
Blue Grosbeak N, R, P
Indigo Bunting J, N, R, P
Dickcissel N, R, P

Eastern Meadowlark ~ Adrian, Nobles Co ~ 27 May (note white malar area
and blackish-brown back & scapular feathers; KRE “digibin” image)
Southwest Minnesota MBW Summary
May 24 - 25 - 26 - 27, 2019

Yellow-billed Cuckoo ~ Blue Mounds State Park ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

American Avocets ~ Edgerton sewage ponds ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

Black-necked Stilt ~ Quince Avenue wetland ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

Hudsonian Godwit ~ Hills sewage ponds ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

Sanderling ~ Pipestone sewage ponds ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

White-rumped Sandpiper ~ Pipestone sewage ponds ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

Wilson's Phalarope ~ Hills sewage ponds ~ Howard Towle photo

Red-necked Phalarope ~ Heron Lake sewage ponds ~ Roy Zimmerman photo

Olive-sided Flycatcher ~ Blue Mounds State Park ~ Roy Zimmerman photo
Willow Flycatcher ~ South Heron Lake ~ Michael Sack photo
Orchard Oriole ~ Jackson County ~ Michael Sack photo
Great-tailed Grackle ~ Skunk Lake ~ Michael Sack photo

Dickcissel ~ Pipestone County ~ Roy Zimmerman photo
* * *
Blue Grosbeak ~ Round Lake ~ Michael Sack photo
Also see the 2019 and 2016 MBW summaries
following the summary of the 2022 MBWeekend.
May 26 - 30, 2022