Note that this 2012 MBW included Lincoln and Lyon counties
which are not scheduled to be on the 2024 MBWeekend.
Yellow Medicine - Lincoln - Lyon Counties MBW Summary
October 19 - 20 - 21, 2012
Friday's weather in Yellow Medicine Co was certainly challenging – not only was it too cold, windy, and wet, but it was relatively dark as well, and just seeing and identifying the birds out there was difficult much of the day. But at least things brightened up considerably over the next two days in Lincoln and Lyon counties, and overall it became a pretty decent weekend. We eventually came up with 98 species, and our composite list would have hit an even 100 if part of the group had the time to check Curtis Lake on the way home on Sunday. (Lesser Yellowlegs and Long-billed Dowitchers were present there among a nice assortment of shorebirds and would have been added to our list; these two would have also made it 10 shorebird species, pretty impressive for this late in October.)
Most of you did have the time, though, for some screech-owling at Camden State Park on Saturday evening, and eventually two responded where Joel had found them a couple years ago, with one of them posing for us on a bare branch in Roy's flashlight beam. Another highlight earlier that day was the Northern Shrike which we found in pursuit of meadowlarks, and one of the meadowlarks surprisingly flew up to that utility wire and perched next to the shrike at one point.
Even more memorable that day, of course, were the Surf Scoter at Perch Lake (an apparent first for Lincoln Co) and the Harlan's-type Red-tailed Hawk which flew overhead near Hendricks. (Roy managed some identifiable photos of the hawk which I showed to Hawk Ridge bander Frank Nicoletti, and he concurred in that identification.) Then on Sunday we had distant but identifiable views of that first-winter Lesser Black-backed Gull at the landfill, and at the same time a calling Smith's Longspur flew by in front of us while we were gull watching. Remarkably, still another Smith's flew by us at Russell's sewage ponds giving its diagnostic rattle, and eventually Ben and Dale got better looks and listens at some 50 Smith's there!
Y = seen/heard in Yellow Medicine Co on Oct 19
Li = seen/heard in Lincoln Co on Oct 20
Ly = seen/heard in Lyon Co on Oct 21 (with 1 species on Oct 20)
Cackling Goose Y, Li
Canada Goose Y, Li, Ly
Trumpeter Swan Y
Wood Duck Y, Ly
Gadwall Y, Li, Ly
American Wigeon Y, Li, Ly
Mallard Y, Li, Ly
Blue-winged Teal Li, Ly
Northern Shoveler Y, Li, Ly
Northern Pintail Ly
Green-winged Teal Y
Canvasback Y, Li
Redhead Y, Li
Ring-necked Duck Y, Li
Lesser Scaup Y, Li
Surf Scoter Li (Perch Lake; apparently a first county record)
Bufflehead Y, Li
Hooded Merganser Li
Ruddy Duck Y, Li
Ring-necked Pheasant Y, Li, Ly
Common Loon Li
Pied-billed Grebe Y, Li
Double-crested Cormorant Y, Li
Great Blue Heron Li
Great Egret Y
Bald Eagle Y
Northern Harrier Y, Li, Ly
Sharp-shinned Hawk Li, Ly
Cooper's Hawk Li, Ly
Red-tailed Hawk Y, Li, Ly (incl a "Harlan's" Red-tailed south of Hendricks in Lincoln Co)
American Kestrel Li, Ly
Merlin Li
American Coot Y, Li
Black-bellied Plover Y, Li
American Golden-Plover Li
Killdeer Y, Li, Ly
Greater Yellowlegs Y, Li, Ly
Least Sandpiper Li
Baird's Sandpiper Y
Pectoral Sandpiper Li
Wilson's Snipe Y, Li, Ly
Bonaparte's Gull Y
Franklin's Gull Y, Li, Ly
Ring-billed Gull Y, Li, Ly
Lesser Black-backed Gull Ly (1st-winter bird at Lyon Co landfill)
Rock Pigeon Y, Li, Ly
Eurasian Collared-Dove Y, Li
Mourning Dove Li
Eastern Screech-Owl Ly (after 15-20 minutes, finally heard & seen at Camden State Park)
Great Horned Owl Li
Belted Kingfisher Y, Li
Red-bellied Woodpecker Y, Li, Ly
Downy Woodpecker Y, Li, Ly
Hairy Woodpecker Li, Ly
Northern Flicker Y, Li, Ly
Pileated Woodpecker Y, Li
Northern Shrike Y, Li
Blue Jay Y, Li, Ly
American Crow Y, Li, Ly
Horned Lark Y, Li
Black-capped Chickadee Y, Li, Ly
White-breasted Nuthatch Y, Li, Ly
Brown Creeper Y, Li
Golden-crowned Kinglet Y, Li, Ly
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Y, Ly
Eastern Bluebird Y, Li, Ly
American Robin Y, Li, Ly
European Starling Y, Li, Ly
American Pipit Y, Li, Ly
Cedar Waxwing Y, Li
Lapland Longspur Li, Ly
Smith's Longspur Ly (fly-bys calling at Lyon Co landfill and Russell sewage ponds)
Orange-crowned Warbler Li
Yellow-rumped Warbler Y, Li, Ly
American Tree Sparrow Y, Li, Ly
Chipping Sparrow Ly
Field Sparrow Y, Ly
Savannah Sparrow Y, Li, Ly
Fox Sparrow Y
Song Sparrow Y, Li, Ly
Lincoln's Sparrow Ly
Swamp Sparrow Y, Ly
White-throated Sparrow Y, Li, Ly
Harris's Sparrow Y, Li, Ly
White-crowned Sparrow Li, Ly
Dark-eyed Junco Y, Li, Ly
Northern Cardinal Y, Ly
Red-winged Blackbird Y, Li, Ly
Western Meadowlark Y, Li, Ly
Rusty Blackbird Y, Ly
Brewer's Blackbird Y, Ly
Common Grackle Y, Li, Ly
Brown-headed Cowbird Li
Purple Finch Y, Ly
House Finch Y, Li, Ly
Pine Siskin Y, Li
American Goldfinch Y, Li, Ly
House Sparrow Y, Li, Ly