The potential species on the late September 2024 MBW
will be similar to those found on the following October MBWs
(some of which included counties which are not on this MBW's itinerary).
October 7 - 8 - 9, 2011
Given that our MBW motto has always been No Refunds, I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised when no one on Friday took advantage of my offer to forgo the day's high winds and receive a refund of their MBW fee. At times it looked like a proverbial plague of locusts of Biblical proportions as cornfield debris blew across the roads during those sustained 30+ mph winds with 50+ mph gusts! Mercifully, the winds on Saturday & Sunday calmed down to "merely" 15-25 mph – also too strong, but no one was complaining after Friday's experience. It was also 80-85 degrees each day (just as it had been for a week), about 20 above normal, so conditions were hardly conducive to fall migration activity with those persistent and prevailing south winds.
Still, we managed to find a nice array of birds, and in the process we encountered a few interesting ID challenges. Among these were a couple of sparrows of note: that juvenile Le Conte's which strongly suggested it was a Grasshopper (except for its nape pattern), and an actual Grasshopper Sparrow perched up on a tree branch in the woods (!) sporting a bold eye-ring (a feature of fresh-plumaged fall/winter birds). There was also the juvenile Marsh Wren which looked like a Sedge Wren (except for its solidly unstreaked crown). And, of course, there was that Smith's Longspur vs Black-headed Grosbeak contest on Sunday – given the brief and obscured view, such ID confusion is not as strange as you might think.
There were other highlights as well, including: Saturday's unexpected white-fronted geese flying overhead; finding no fewer than 3 Peregrines in 3 different counties on 3 different days (hardly easy to do in SW Minn); a dozen shorebird species (very dry conditions exposed some mudflats for us); a heard-only-by-some screech-owl at Brian's not-so-secret spot in Worthington; 14 sparrow species (one more than on Doug Buri's workshop), including an elusive towhee that was probably a Spotted; some Great-tailed Grackles along Hwy 86 on Sunday....and I'd have to say that Saturday's dinner at the Kinbrae Supper Club could be considered another highlight of this MBW.
As always, my thanks for everyone for declining their refunds, surviving the difficult weather, and hanging on to the scopes during those gale-force gusts. I especially thank Travis for tolerating his first MBW (and narrowly escaping the dubious honor of receiving a Junior Tour Leader Merit Badge!), and thanks as well to Marcia J and Pat who had their first MBW experience on Friday. -Kim Eckert
[PS - While some would claim that I am Minnesota's Sewage Pond King (I've been to over 280 of them), I may have to relinquish my throne. After all, some of us added several species at Jackson's ponds after lunch on Sunday, and, for reasons unknown, they are missing from the official sewage pond checklist so many of you cherish! I humbly apologize for this serious oversight and thank Ron for calling this to my attention.]
BIRD LIST (111 species + 3 others: 1 only in Iowa + 1 Brian-only godwit + 1 longspur/grosbeak)
C = Cottonwood County (October 7)
B = Brown County (October 7)
N = Nobles County (October 8)
J = Jackson County (October 9)
Greater White-fronted Goose N
Cackling Goose J
Canada Goose CBNJ
Trumpeter Swan C
Wood Duck CBNJ
Gadwall J
American Wigeon J
Mallard CBNJ
Blue-winged Teal CBNJ
Northern Shoveler CNJ
Northern Pintail NJ
Green-winged Teal BNJ
Redhead J
scaup, sp. J
Ruddy Duck CBJ
Ring-necked Pheasant CN
Common Loon J
Pied-billed Grebe CNJ
Double-crested Cormorant NJ
American White Pelican NJ
Great Blue Heron CNJ
Great Egret NJ
Turkey Vulture BNJ
Osprey BNJ
Bald Eagle CJ
Northern Harrier BN
Sharp-shinned Hawk NJ
Cooper's Hawk CJ
Red-tailed Hawk CBNJ
American Kestrel N
Merlin B
Peregrine Falcon BNJ
American Coot BNJ
Black-bellied Plover B
American Golden-Plover CN
Killdeer CBNJ
Spotted Sandpiper B
Lesser Yellowlegs CBN
[Hudsonian Godwit N (a Brian-only bird on Friday)]
Semipalmated Sandpiper N
Least Sandpiper CBN
Baird's Sandpiper BN
Pectoral Sandpiper CBN
Stilt Sandpiper N
Long-billed Dowitcher CBN
Wilson's Snipe C
[Bonaparte's Gull IA-only (Spirit L on Sunday)]
Franklin's Gull CNJ
Ring-billed Gull CNJ
Forster's Tern J
Rock Pigeon CBNJ
Eurasian Collared-Dove BN
Mourning Dove CBNJ
Eastern Screech-Owl N
Belted Kingfisher BNJ
Red-headed Woodpecker J
Red-bellied Woodpecker NJ
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker NJ
Downy Woodpecker CNJ
Hairy Woodpecker NJ
Northern Flicker CNJ
Eastern Phoebe CNJ
Blue Jay CNJ
American Crow CBNJ
Horned Lark N
Tree Swallow J
Barn Swallow N
Black-capped Chickadee CNJ
Red-breasted Nuthatch N
White-breasted Nuthatch CNJ
Brown Creeper CN
House Wren N
Marsh Wren N
Ruby-crowned Kinglet CNJ
Eastern Bluebird NJ
Swainson's Thrush C
American Robin CBNJ
Gray Catbird NJ
European Starling CBNJ
American Pipit CBN
Cedar Waxwing CNJ
Lapland Longspur NJ
Orange-crowned Warbler J
Palm Warbler J
Yellow-rumped Warbler CNJ
towhee, sp. N
Chipping Sparrow CNJ
Clay-colored Sparrow B
Vesper Sparrow CNJ
Savannah Sparrow CBNJ
Grasshopper Sparrow N
Le Conte's Sparrow N
Fox Sparrow C
Song Sparrow CNJ
Lincoln's Sparrow NJ
White-throated Sparrow CBNJ
Harris's Sparrow CBNJ
White-crowned Sparrow CN
Dark-eyed Junco CNJ
Northern Cardinal CJ
[Black-headed Grosbeak? J (possible adult male seen briefly)]
Indigo Bunting J
Red-winged Blackbird CBNJ
Western Meadowlark N
Yellow-headed Blackbird NJ
Rusty Blackbird C
Common Grackle CNJ
Great-tailed Grackle J
Brown-headed Cowbird NJ
Purple Finch C
House Finch N
Pine Siskin N
American Goldfinch BNJ
House Sparrow CBNJ
* * *
October 18-19-20, 2013
Yes, indeed, that Mute Swan was still around on Sunday to be officially recorded as #359 on the all-time MBWeekends composite species list – and, more importantly, we have now seen all 314 Regular species on the MN list! The swan was seen on Thursday in Nicollet Co en route to the MBW, and most of the group was there to see it on the way home on Sunday afternoon after it had returned to its original Sibley Co location to make it a countable MBW bird.
But, of course, there was much more that we saw in between these two White Starling sightings. Probably more significant was Friday's Sprague's Pipit we found at Rock Ridge Prairie SNA, a Casual species not reported in the state every year. It may have been harder to see than that swan, but I think everyone was at least able to note its characteristic flight, foraging behavior, and extensive white outer tail feathers, and it was cooperative enough to stay until Saturday so the Andersons and Linda could see it.
Especially noteworthy as well were the Surf Scoter at the Mountain Lake sewage ponds, those 3 Le Conte's Sparrows at Wolf Lake WPA (one of which uncharacteristically posed nicely to be studied at length in the scopes), and the highly local Great-tailed Grackles which finally emerged into view along Hwy 86. Other highlights included 2 Greater White-fronted Geese at Illinois Lake, a surprisingly large concentration of 20+ Gray Partridge on both side of the Brown-Cottonwood county line, 9 shorebird species (especially at Plum Lake's mudflats), and that striking partial albino junco near Kilen Woods.
And we certainly witnessed fall migration in full swing with that nice movement of raptors over the Des Moines River valley on Saturday, all those robins concentrated at the Windom cemetery on Friday and on the back side of Kilen Woods State Park on Sunday, and especially those hordes of grackles – the flocks swarming west of Hwy 86 on Saturday afternoon, and our conservative estimate of 60,000 birds moving along the Des Moines River on Sunday.
BIRD LIST (103 species, incl 1 in Iowa + 1 in Sibley Co)
C = Cottonwood Co, October 18 (75 species)
J = Jackson Co, October 19-20 (88 species)
Greater White-fronted Goose J
Snow Goose CJ
Cackling Goose CJ
Canada Goose CJ
Mute Swan / Sibley Co
Trumpeter Swan C
Wood Duck CJ
Gadwall CJ
American Wigeon CJ
Mallard CJ
Blue-winged Teal CJ
Northern Shoveler CJ
Northern Pintail J
Green-winged Teal CJ
Canvasback CJ
Redhead J
Ring-necked Duck CJ
Lesser Scaup C
Surf Scoter C
Bufflehead J
Hooded Merganser J
Ruddy Duck CJ
Gray Partridge C
Ring-necked Pheasant J
Pied-billed Grebe CJ
Horned Grebe J
Double-crested Cormorant CJ
American White Pelican CJ
Great Blue Heron J
Bald Eagle J
Northern Harrier CJ
Sharp-shinned Hawk J
Cooper's Hawk J
Red-tailed Hawk CJ
American Kestrel J
Sora C
American Coot CJ
Killdeer CJ
Spotted Sandpiper J
Greater Yellowlegs J
Lesser Yellowlegs J
Least Sandpiper CJ
Baird's Sandpiper J
Pectoral Sandpiper CJ
Long-billed Dowitcher CJ
Wilson's Snipe CJ
Franklin's Gull CJ
Ring-billed Gull CJ
Herring Gull J
Forster's Tern / Iowa-only
Rock Pigeon CJ
Eurasian Collared-Dove CJ
Mourning Dove CJ
Belted Kingfisher J
Red-bellied Woodpecker CJ
Downy Woodpecker CJ
Hairy Woodpecker J
Northern Flicker CJ
Pileated Woodpecker J
Eastern Phoebe C
Blue Jay CJ
American Crow CJ
Horned Lark C
Barn Swallow J
Black-capped Chickadee CJ
White-breasted Nuthatch CJ
Marsh Wren C
Golden-crowned Kinglet C
Ruby-crowned Kinglet CJ
Eastern Bluebird CJ
Hermit Thrush J
American Robin CJ
European Starling CJ
American Pipit J
Sprague's Pipit C
Cedar Waxwing CJ
Orange-crowned Warbler J
Yellow-rumped Warbler CJ
American Tree Sparrow CJ
Chipping Sparrow CJ
Vesper Sparrow CJ
Savannah Sparrow CJ
Le Conte's Sparrow C
Fox Sparrow CJ
Song Sparrow CJ
Lincoln's Sparrow CJ
Swamp Sparrow CJ
White-throated Sparrow CJ
Harris's Sparrow CJ
White-crowned Sparrow CJ
Dark-eyed Junco CJ
Northern Cardinal J
Rose-breasted Grosbeak C
Red-winged Blackbird CJ
Western Meadowlark CJ
Rusty Blackbird C
Brewer's Blackbird CJ
Common Grackle CJ
Great-tailed Grackle J
Brown-headed Cowbird CJ
House Finch CJ
American Goldfinch CJ
House Sparrow CJ
* * *
October 1-2, 2005
It would be tempting to blame the high winds for the relative lack of birds, especially in the woods. But I suspect the birding would have been slow even if the winds had been calmer, given how generally uneventful the weather/birding has been in Minnesota so far this fall. It might also be tempting to say it was an unsuccessful MBW, but that was hardly the case considering there were several birds of interest among our 75 species: e.g., the Gray Partridge flock (finally!) and Horned Grebe at Magnolia, 2 Swainson's Hawks (incl. a dark-morph bird!), Peregrine Falcon, Long-billed Dowitcher, a 30-year-old (!?) Eastern Screech-Owl at the "usual spot", and Linda's less-than-cooperative Spotted Towhee at Blue Mounds.
(Note: except for those few species marked P, which were only seen in Pipestone Co., everything else was found in Rock Co.)
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Redhead P
Lesser Scaup P
Ruddy Duck P
Gray Partridge
Ring-necked Pheasant
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture
Northern Harrier P
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper’s Hawk
Swainson’s Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
Greater Yellowlegs
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Long-billed Dowitcher
Franklin’s Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Screech-Owl
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Phoebe
Blue Jay
American Crow
Horned Lark
Barn Swallow
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren
Winter Wren
Sedge Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Spotted Towhee
Chipping Sparrow P
Field Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln’s Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Harris’s Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-winged Blackbird
Western Meadowlark
Common Grackle
House Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
* * *
October 17 - 18 - 19, 2014
I don't think any of us were fully prepared in Murray County on Friday for sustained winds of 20 mph with higher gusts and an afternoon "high" in the low 40s. We were then even less prepared when this dramatic weather change failed to produce any appreciable migration for our three-day MBW in southwestern Minn. But at least the winds died down and the sun pushed temperatures back into the mid-50s on Saturday and closer to 70 Sunday afternoon. Under these pleasant conditions, though, there were still relatively few birds (except grackles!) to be found in the wake of Friday's cold front.
Especially conspicuous by their absence were ducks (just 10 species in low numbers), raptors (aside from Red-taileds, only an Osprey, 3 or 4 eagles, and a couple of harriers), shorebirds (only 5 species), longspurs (none), warblers (not even a Yellow-rumped?), and most other passerines. But at least we were not alone – I've now heard from four other birders elsewhere who reported similar experiences over the weekend.
But there were some birds worthy of mention, with most of these on Friday. A visit with long-time MBWer Nelvina DeKam in Edgerton resulted in a Red-bellied Woodpecker – new for several Pipestone Co lists (mine included). Later in Murray Co, a sub-adult Bald Eagle flew low overhead in Hadley, suddenly plunged to the surface of Summit Lake to catch a large fish (which may have outweighed the eagle?), and flew back past us to a nearby field where it consumed its prey as we watched. Next, a lone Gray Partridge flew out of a cornfield near Lake Shetek, landed next to the car caravan, flew back into the corn, and then strangely flew back again into view farther up the road. And the day ended at lakes Sarah and Currie which were about the only places that held decent varieties and numbers of water birds.
While little else seemed to be migrating, at least there were some large gatherings of Common Grackles, with the most impressive and entertaining concentration near Blue Mounds State Park which probably consisted of 10,000 individuals or more. Then on the south side of the park a Northern Shrike flew in and provided some brief views before flying off – undoubtedly, this predator was single-handedly responsible for scaring off all the passerines we were trying to find in all three counties we visited!
But, of course, the weekend highlight for the nine of us who had time on the way home Sunday was the amazing Rufous Hummingbird still lingering at Mary & Steve Nesgoda's feeders near Le Sueur: it even represented #361 on the all-time MBWeekends list.
My thanks to all of you for your presence (and patience) on this MBW, to the Luverne Chamber of Commerce and Joel Adelman for providing access to the Luverne and Pipestone sewage ponds, to Nelvina for inviting us over to her Edgerton neighborhood, to Mary and Steve's hummingbird hospitality, and to Los Tulipanes Restaurant for providing a site for us to recuperate over dinner on Friday and Saturday.
P = seen in Pipestone County (October 17-18-19)
M = seen in Murray County (October 17)
R = seen in Rock County (October 18)
Cackling Goose MR
Canada Goose PMR
Wood Duck MR
Gadwall M
Mallard PMR
Northern Shoveler PMR
Northern Pintail PM
Green-winged Teal MR
Redhead P
Ring-necked Duck P
Hooded Merganser M
Ruddy Duck PM
Gray Partridge M
Ring-necked Pheasant PMR
Pied-billed Grebe PMR
Horned Grebe M
Double-crested Cormorant M
American White Pelican M
Great Blue Heron PMR
Great Egret PM
Osprey R
Bald Eagle M
Northern Harrier PR
Red-tailed Hawk PMR
American Coot MR
Killdeer PR
Greater Yellowlegs MR
Lesser Yellowlegs M
Pectoral Sandpiper MR
Wilson's Snipe PMR
Franklin's Gull PM
Ring-billed Gull PM
Herring Gull M
Rock Pigeon PMR
Eurasian Collared-Dove PMR
Mourning Dove PR
Great Horned Owl R
Rufous Hummingbird (in Le Sueur Co)
Belted Kingfisher PR
Red-bellied Woodpecker PM
Downy Woodpecker PMR
Hairy Woodpecker PMR
Northern Flicker PM
Eastern Phoebe M
Northern Shrike R
Blue Jay PMR
American Crow PMR
Black-capped Chickadee PMR
White-breasted Nuthatch PMR
Brown Creeper R
Golden-crowned Kinglet R
Ruby-crowned Kinglet PR
Eastern Bluebird P
American Robin PMR
European Starling PMR
American Pipit PR
Cedar Waxwing R
American Tree Sparrow R
Chipping Sparrow PMR
Field Sparrow R
Savannah Sparrow PMR
Fox Sparrow R
Song Sparrow PR
Lincoln's Sparrow R
Swamp Sparrow PR
White-throated Sparrow PMR
Harris's Sparrow PMR
White-crowned Sparrow PR
Dark-eyed Junco PMR
Red-winged Blackbird PMR
Western Meadowlark PMR
Rusty Blackbird R
Brewer's Blackbird M
Common Grackle PMR
Brown-headed Cowbird MR
House Finch PR
House Sparrow PMR